1: The First Clue

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I edited this chapter so much that it doesn't make sense now. Pls don't mind the -gap-s, Idk how to fill those parts


After looking for the clue for a while, we got tired.

Penny and I were selected to go through the first part of the mission. We were working alone, without our vehicles, and we had no idea where to find the clue.

We hadn't been told where the clue was, or what we had to do to find it. The new inspectors, who had sent us on this crazy mission, kept teleporting us to random places without warning us. Every time I thought we were near the clue, we would teleport to a different place and would have to start all over again.


A rumbling sound from above alerted us, and we looked up. We were standing in the bottom of a canyon. The walls of the canyon towered over us and a blob of bright sky was visible in the middle.

Not too late after that, cracks started to form on the walls of the canyon, tracing every weak point. Chunks of canyon fell as the whole place collapsed, and just before a huge piece of canyon could hit us, everything turned black. Then the sound of the canyon falling apart was gone, as well as the canyon itself.

We were in a different place again.

"Well, that was quick," I said. "We've never been teleported out of a place that quickly before."

We were standing in the middle of a tunnel. It was dark, but light enough to see. Neither end of the tunnel was visible. Behind us, it was plain dark, (and there was no way I would go there,) but ahead of us was a left turn, brighter than our spot.

Penny and I exchanged looks and decided to go that way.

We ran forward, but before we made the left turn, cracks started forming on the ground. We panicked, but before we could do anything, the ground opened up beneath us and we began falling into the darkness.

After a few moments of falling, we somehow lost the huge chunks of ground that had been falling with us. That didn't make sense, but of course, nothing had been making sense since the mission had started.

"Are we teleporting again?" I yelled into Penny's ear as we were falling.

"I don't know!" She yelled back.

"But we can't find anything if we keep teleporting this quickly. What are those inspectors doing?"

As we continued to fall deeper, we heard the sound of running water. No... it sounded more like crashing water.

"Rod, I think there's a waterfall beneath us!" Penny yelled.

I screamed.

There was no way I would let us fall into a waterfall. So I grabbed Penny and tried to fly, even though I knew that I wouldn't be able to. I was a rooster, and roosters don't fly. But at least I would be able to slow down our fall. That would be better than crashing right into a waterfall.

As the waterfall came into view, I realized it was smaller than I expected. Still, it was water and it was right beneath us. I held tighter onto Penny and leaned towards the side of the cave. I was able to glide us towards the cave walls. We continued to go down slowly until we were halfway past the waterfall, then landed on a ledge on the cave wall.

"Phew," I sighed as we looked over the ledge at the stream beneath the waterfall. The water ran way slower in the stream compared to the waterfall.

"What now?" Penny asked.

I was glad I could save us from falling in there, but I felt like something was not right. My rooster instincts told me I needed to go in the water.

The clue.


I grabbed Penny's wing and jumped off the ledge.

"What are you doing?" she shouted as we were falling.

"The clue! I think I-" before I could finish my sentence, we hit the water.

Worse, we landed right at the bottom of the waterfall. The water crashed into us, making it super hard to breathe. We were pushed deeper below the surface from the power of the waterfall. I was almost out of breath already.

I couldn't open my eyes. I felt Penny tug my wing, then I was dragged away from the crashing water and towards the surface. As soon as my head was out of the water, I gasped, taking in as much air as I could.

Penny panted as she continued to drag me towards the banks of the river. She was stronger than she looked. She pulled us both out of the water and we collapsed onto the banks.

"What were you saying?" Penny asked.

I steadied my breathing and coughed. "I think I know where the clue is."

Penny waited for a moment before replying. "Okay. Whatever we do, we must be quick or else we might teleport again."

"Good point,"

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a small light-blue light. I looked. Something was shining from under the water.

I gasped.

"There!" I pointed, almost ready to dive for it.

When Penny turned towards the direction, I had already dove into the water and was swimming towards the light. The other cadets would have been surprised; I had never been too fond of water, and I had always done my best to avoid getting in contact with it.

Penny dove after me. Being a penguin, she swam right past me like a fish and reached the source of the light.

As we got closer to it, the light slowly dimmed until it was only glowing like glow-in-the-dark paint. I was still a few feet away and everything was blurry, but I was sure I was seeing way clearer than I normally see underwater.

On a ledge on the wall lay a pebble that had some sort of symbol engraved on it. Penny picked it up and swam towards me, holding it out so that I could see it.

Even though I was underwater, I could see the symbol clearly. It had a spiral with two horizontal lines cutting across the middle. As Penny came closer, I outstretched my wing towards the stone to take it.
The light of the glowing symbol twinkled as my wing got closer to it.

The first clue.

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