11.5: Rover Has A Sibling Problem

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"I'll go get some tea, and then we'll talk. It's been a while since you've come to visit, so we'll have a lot to catch up on."

"Careful, it's still hot," Mother said, handing me the cup of tea and going to settle on the opposite couch. There was a table in front of us. "So, tell me about the mission. When does it start?"

"A week from now." I brought my teacup up to my beak and felt its warmth. The same part of me that brought me here during the night wanted to gulp down the hot tea, but I resisted it.

I explained to her what Argus had said about the plan for the mission being passed down from the previous cadets and instructors, and how everything was finally figured out now. The only thing left to do was the mission itself. "Although, Helen said that I don't have to go on the mission if I don't want to, after what happened with... Robin."

Mom took her time processing this. For a moment we were in complete silence having tea. I just hoped none of the sleeping chicks woke up to ruin the moment.

"Rover." She said finally. "I'm not comfortable with you going on this mission."

"What? But Mom-"

She raised a wing. "I don't want you going anywhere near those birds, ever again. Top Wing or not. Do you understand?"

I nodded. The way she'd said Top Wing or not, I was reminded of Ivy's mother, but I shook that connection away. I'm not comparing my perfect mother to... her.

It wasn't continued further as my Mother had already made up my mind for me, and there was no way I could change that. The whole reason why I'd come tonight was just so that she would help me make up my mind after Helen gave me the option to stay behind.

Mother continued. "As dangerous as the dodo birds are, this is still their home, right? There are many dangerous animals in larger islands than here. We can't just hunt them down because they're dangerous to us, especially when they're nearly becoming extinct." Her stare met mine. "Doesn't Top Wing understand that?"

There it was again, Top Wing. I had a feeling my Mother didn't fully trust Top Wing for some mysterious reason. If I remembered correctly, that was Ivy's mother's role. Either way, the mention of Top Wing in this made me feel hurt, like... Top Wing was part of who I am, and the way she blamed them for it, as if they were a bad influence...

I didn't think much about it. She must have had a lot going on. Before, I'd left her with the three chicks at home and went to live at headquarters. And now I only visited her once in a while. And even when I did, I'd be in my cadet uniform, or be hustling to go back to HQ again. Who would want their child to become so distant from them like that?

I didn't bring it up. Instead, I answered her question. I told her the story Argus had told us - that the dodo birds that lived here weren't real dodos, that they were caused by a curse. A curse that dodo birds over centuries ago had put to stop their species from going extinct, but it had caused something different to happen instead, resulting in, well, what we have now.

I didn't mention Top Wing after that. Mother was a little relieved knowing about the dodo birds not being "real" and everything, but still didn't approve of me or my brother River going on the mission.

"River might be adopted," she said. "But that does not make any difference. I know your relationship with your brother isn't the best, but that's not the point. I don't want any of my children going through this. Stay aside for once, Rover. For me."

My teacup was empty, so I placed it on the table. Mother's was already empty and placed on her side.

"I don't want to go with the mission either," I spoke. "But if River and I don't, I'll be leaving Ivy all by herself. Although, Argus did mention that we'll be getting help from cadets from another island, so maybe they can handle it without me."

"So you're not going?"

I replied under my breath. "I guess..." I placed my wings on the table and stood. "Well, thanks, Mom. For helping me make up my mind. I'll be heading back now."

"Rover, wait."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and my Mother went to get it.

River stood at the entrance. He was greeted by my Mother, and he didn't look at me because he knew I was there.

That night, we ended up staying over.

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