"Alright, ladies, gentleman! The game is Have You Ever!" I direct my attention to my guests Alexandra Cabot, Casey Novak, Olivia Benson. My Twin cousins Caoimhe Jaedee Rollins, Savannah Eilís Rollins, and our lone fellow Fin Tutualo. "No excuses to get out of answering every one of you must reply or take a drink, and then you face whatever dare the card says.""First, have you ever goes to Alex." Alex blows her bangs out, letting out a very long dramatic sigh. "I need some alcohol first Amanda you are already knee-deep into the sea of intoxication." "Yes, Yes, I am! And I love it, so take a hit Cabot Champagne or Guinness?"
"Guinness, baby, I am half Irish!"
"Oh, you're one of those." My cousin Caoimhe moans as she rolls her eyes, looking at me I laugh loudly as Alex gives us a look of pure confusion Caoimhe and Savannah both turn their head to lean against mine as all three of us raise our glasses and repeat. "Our Nana Dearbhail Joeilis always said there are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who are born Irish and those who spend their entire lives trying to be Irish!"
"Hey, I am Irish! Half Irish." In our very near intoxication state, the three of us start to sing off-key "Half-breed, that's all I ever heard Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word. Half-breed, she's no good they warned both sides were against me since the day I was born."
"Okay, the three of you suck boo! Shit down!" All three of us look at each other shocked and hurt hands over our chests. "How Rude! Tough crowd!"
"Yeah, you'll get over it." Alex drowns a pint of Guinness in two minutes, flat-shooting the glass up. "I am ready! Hit me bitch!" "Ohhh Mommy said a bad word!" Alex groans as we all turn to see our kids. My son Nashville Knox-Rollins is fourteen; Alex's son Zion 7, Casey's son Aidan Novak 8, Noah Benson 7.
"Okay, guys, I thought we had a deal; you could have a sleepover if you stayed in the other room."
"I never wanted a sleepover mother; I wanted to study!" "How am I suppose to win the National spelling bee, wasting my time on something as floccinaucinihilipilification as this antediluvian?"
The majority of us turn to Zion, who has his arms crossed eagle eyeing Alex, who groans, "I need another pint, Amanda. Zion chill out you need to learn to interact with your peers as a normal kid for once, or I swear to God, you will get beat up every day in middle school."
"Anyway, Aunt Alex, the rest of us normal kids just need more snacks, and we will be out of your way, so feel free to get as drunk as well you were all planning to be." Nash rolls his eyes as he steps over Casey and Olivia's motionless bodies as they raise their champagne glasses. "To getting drunk!"
Once the kids are gone again, I turn back to Alex. "Have you ever wrecked a car?" Alex rolls her eyes "Okay yes once when I was in college I was so so I mean so-oh drunk it was right after my senior law school final exam, and I had been tense for months, so my boyfriend and I choose that night to get high as kites to let out stress. Kyle was good-looking funny smart and so damn hot; We were coming home from a bar. I was drunk, starving, and horny. Anyway, we'd just left the bar, and I decided I had to have McDonald's. So we headed to the nearest one, but those lines are so damn long we got bored while sitting in that damn long-ass line, so he said baby Jr is very thirsty he could use a good slurp. As I said, I was so drunk, so I.."
"Jesus Christ Alex, you didn't suck him off right there, did you?" Olivia exclaims, "Hell yeah, I did, and I might have taken my foot off the brake, and we might have crashed right through the drive-through window."
"What the hell, Alex!" Casey laughs so hard she has to grab her stomach, doubling over as tears start to fall from her eyes. "I have so many questions, but I am so drunk that I can't focus."