Chapter 19

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"Na Jaemin, Zhong Chenle there's no way in hell I'm wearing those!"

Jian said seriously looking at Jaemin who was trying to put a hair bow clip thingy on her. Chenle on the other hand was trying to get her in a Boujee pearl necklace he borrowed from his mother.

Today is finally the day Jian is going on a 'date' which is actually not a date with the senior from their school. Jaemin had taken this chance to make this his duty that this date goes smoothly. He didn't care how many times Jian shouted in front of his ear saying that it's not even a date and is a study session. Jaemin and Chenle has also taken this as his duty to get her to look presentable for this 'date' by bringing accessories from their family members. Taehyung is not here yet. He is busy but he said he would join them very soon.

Baekhyun is leaning against Jian's door frame, judging everyone. He is not too happy with this whole situation for an unknown reason.

"Jian-ah, I swear it's gonna look pretty. Just try it for once!"Jaemin said.

"No! Fuck your ribbons and your pearls. Put these on yourselves, I'm good with having my headphones on my head.."

"Just try it for once!"

"Oh fuck no.."


Jian sighed,"But.."

"I swear if you put this on and manage to have a successful date, I will give you something that you've been wanting for a long time!"Jaemin said.


"Better than that. Now come here, let me put this clip on your hair,"Jaemin talked as if he was talking to a kid.

Jian sighed,"Fine whatever. But you better pay me back."

"I will surely,"Jaemin said while happily putting the clip on her hair.

"Isn't this too much for a study session?"Jian asked while looking at the mirror, wearing a T-shirt Jaemin chose for her and the clip on her head.

"You literally only put on a damn clip? How is that too much?"Chenle asked.

Jian rolled her eyes and then looked at the clock. It's almost four.

"Guys I gotta get going. The session would go well, so be ready with your payment."

Jaemin nodded, smiling. Jian looked at Chenle and Baekhyun, waved at them.

"Don't be too late," Baekhyun said.

"Okay, mom,"Jian said, making Baekhyun glare at her and the other two laugh.

"I'm gonna go, bye,"Jian said and got out of her room. After taking a few steps she came back in the room and stood in the middle while looking at Jaemin.

"Na Jaemin, I have a bad feeling about this. You kept saying how you are gonna make sure this quote unquote date goes smoothly, is there any way you three are going to follow me there secretly and spy?"

Jaemin coughed and then frowned,"What do you take us for, Jung Jian? Do you think we are some creeps who spies on their friend who is on a date?"

"It's not a date and y'all better not try to follow me like creeps, I'm really gonna go now."

With that Jian headed out with her bag of notebooks she packed for the study session.

Turns out the three of them actually were creeps who spy on their friend while they are on a date because currently the three of them are hiding in the bushes of Jaemin and Jian's school watching over Jian and her date who are at the basketball court. He was practicing basketball and Jian is waiting for him to be done.

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