A Purple Panda (Part 2)

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Hitoshi doesn't know what to do.

First, his classmates cornered him and started talking about how he should be ashamed of applying to U.A's hero course. They also shoved him against the wall a couple of times as well so now his back was sore.

Hitoshi was already miffed and disappointed at not passing the entrance exam so out of impulse, he asked if they were going to be a better hero than him. It was petty but it felt justified.

Of course, that broke the one stupid rule he wasn't allowed to break. Not to talk.

His cheek earned him a punch to the gut.

He probably could have avoided any physical attacks if he just stayed quiet. His classmates were never really physical with him and only ostracised and whispered behind his back. On the occasion he does talk, they shove and push him as 'self-defence' which earns him detention.

It was just his luck that the one who confronted him was also the one who was the most physical with him.

Another punch was just coming to greet his nose before somebody intervened.

Hitoshi didn't know what to think.

He was grateful someone actually intervened, then one of them started talking. They revealed his villainous quirk and his hope wilted away. No one would help him after hearing of his quirk.

Then they started insulting the newcomer which confused Hitoshi. He couldn't actually see his accidental saviour since their back was to him and a hood covered their head. They talked though and while it was distinguishable as a male teenager, possibly his age, it was slightly static-like. They probably had a mutation quirk of some sort.

Whoever they were thankfully stayed and managed to get his classmates out of the alley. They finally turned around and Hitoshi fidgeted slightly.

It's not as though he was discriminating or creeped out by their appearance, he thought they looked a little cool but he'll never admit that, it's just, they were staring at him for a long time. Hitoshi waved a hand at them but they were still staring.

So Hitoshi did the one thing he was barred from and spoke to them.

"Er.." Curse his antisocial self. "And you are?"

They kept staring and Hitoshi died a little on the inside. They probably wouldn't want to talk to someone with a villain's quirk. He was just about to let it go and leave before they replied.

"Unexpected," Well, they're right in a way. The sheer randomness of that answer had him snorting in surprise.

The teenager? Introduced himself, he's sure he's a male, as 'Izuku Midoriya' and started asking about his injuries. Hitoshi unconsciously curled in on himself and the boy noticed. It was the first someone was concerned about him. Well, his parents usually were but they don't really know his 'social activities'. No point in worrying them after all.

Then the boy said he was going to kidnap him. And Hitoshi had to suppress a snort. This just made him move weirdly.

Hitoshi knew the boy was harmless, he supposes, even if there was the danger aspect in not knowing their quirk and intentions. So Hitoshi didn't really make a fuss out of the question despite being a bit frantic.

For all he knew, the boy could have been a pedophile with a transformation quirk.

"I'm so sorry! I meant we're going to a cat cafe," Midoriya? clarifies again. This time he shaped his mouth into a small 'o'.

While he was still processing his inner conflict, the boy gently picked him up and stood him upright.

"You good to walk or should I carry you?" This brought him out of his stupor.

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