Entrance Exam (Aftermath)

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(A/N : SLIGHT MANGA SPOILERS!!! Please don't read if you do not want to be spoiled!)

Shouta Aizawa was a calm man. He was rational, logical and calm. Which was why it came as a surprise when he was shocked. The shock coming in the form of one Izuku Midoriya.

He was just a kid, a kid who didn't know the darkness of the world yet. They didn't even have the same quirk. Similar yes, but not the same. There's no way a kid could be the cause of his distress. Shouta stole a glance at his coworkers. They weren't faring too well either. Nemuri was completely still and had not blinked once and Hizashi was quiet for once. The two rowdiest people in the observation room were silent and that caused the rest of the staff to look over in concern.

Shouta shook his head. He was being irrational. It was a mere coincidence. That's right. A mere coincidence. The past was the past. This was the future and Izuku Midoriya was just a kid.

"Ay Shouta! Sushi made a friend today!"

His eyes snapped open and he inhaled sharply. The way the clouds were used were too similar to how he used to control it. Shouta silently watched as the kid danced and moved around. His form was almost natural and it seemed too fluid to be anything but a hero in training's stance. The control was almost impeccable and he seemed to be saving people almost instinctively without a care for his safety. Another selfless problem child that had no qualms sacrificing himself if it meant someone got to live another day.

"Come on Shouta, smile a little!"

Shouta cursed under his breath and it seemed to bring the others out of their stupor. Nemuri forced a smile onto her face and tried to bring the others' attention to the examinees. Hizashi was also doing the same albeit quieter than usual. The staff, bless them, gave them their space and returned to focusing on the exam. That's right. Shouta has to watch the exam and keep an eye out on which gremlins he may get. There was not time to dwell on the past. He needs to focus on the future and nurture the next generation.

Izuku Midoriya is not him. Shouta hopes he will never be.


Izuku is panicking. His legs were moving before he realised what happened and when he did, he almost cursed his body for making him move before his brain did. Well, not really. He probably wouldn't have made it if he didn't move earlier. Cries echoed behind him and he sensed a few quirks trying to reach him but failing. They're saying something but he's not focusing on them. No, he's focused on the brunette in front of him. Izuku mentally created a plan.

His clouds can't lift the debris up. It's palpable but it's extremely lightweight and would need hundreds, no thousands of them to be able to even have a chance to move it. He could open a portal underneath the brunette but there was a chance that the debris could fall onto her inside of 'the void'. He could avoid that if he had all of his focus but he really didn't and the giant robot wasn't helping. Izuku really preferred if he didn't harm the brunette more. Which left the third and only option.

Izuku reached the brunette and experimentally pushed the debris. It didn't budge. He really didn't expect it too. His eyes scanned the girl and the rubble was crushing her lower half but mostly the leg. Thankfully, it wasn't pressed against any fatal or vital parts. The girl seemed okay if you ignore the obvious nausea and slight pain. The brunette had looked up during this and Izuku awkwardly patted her head in a small attempt to alleviate the pain and to tell her everything was fine.

Izuku didn't have to do this and he really didn't want to face the consequences but when had he ever ignored someone in trouble? Just like Kuro-nii had said, he was never one to do things half-arse. With all his control and attention directly on the zero-pointer, Izuku's mind was calm and almost serene. He slowly lifted a hand up and focused everything into a point above the zero-pointer. And made the largest portal he had ever created.

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