iWake Up

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Sam's pov
What just happened? Last thing I remember is walking to the store and my bat getting stolen. Oh. And I remember blacking out. "Sam?" I faintly hear. "Carls?" I ask, not really being sure. "It's Freddie. Carly and Spencer left." Oh.

Why in the world would he stay here. When he could be with his love of his life, Carly. But he chose to stay with me. "Oh it's you Fredward." I said unenthusiastically. "Hey, I could leave if you want me to." Freddie replied teasingly. "No! Please stay." I jumped. Ow. Probably shouldn't have done that. "Aww, does wittle Pwincess Puckett want Fwedward Bwenson to stay?" he mocked. God, I hate this kid but at the same time, he makes me have butterflies. "Shut up before I do a double fist dance on your face." I said. He shut up.
Freddie's pov
Sam's awake! She seems so cute and soft. I could literally just hug her right now. "Uh Fredbag, you think I'm cute?" Sam asked confused. "Did I say that out loud?" I questioned. No chiz I did. "Why do you think I asked that, nub? Call Carly." Sam demanded.

I called Carly. "Hi, what's up?" Carly answered. "You should come here. Sam's awake!" I replied. "OMG, actually?!" "Yes!" "Alright Spencer and I are on our way!"
Carly and Spencer get there.

"Sam! You're awake!" Carly exclaimed. "Yeah, no chiz." Sam said blankly. The doctor came in. "Ah, I see Samantha's awake." "Call me Samantha again and I swear you'll be the one in this hospital bed." Sam growled. The doctor shut up. "Anyway, when does Sam get to go?" I asked. Carly smirked at me. God, if I could hate her I would. "Uh, maybe later this afternoon, if she feels fine." the doctor answered. "I feel fine, now let's get the crab outta here." Sam complained. Spencer gasped. "I said "crab" geez."  "Ohh!" Spencer said. I can't wait for Sam to get out so Carly and I can plan the surprise.
Carly's pov
Sam got out of the hospital and now we're heading home. Once we got to the apartment, Sam rushed to the fridge looking for some ham. "Sammm, no ham!" Freddie groaned. "Shut it, Benson." she snapped. "YOU GUYS NEED TO GET MORE HAM!" Sam yelled. Freddie snickered. "Oh you are so dead Freddamame." Sam growled. Oh no. Freddie's gonna get it. "FREDDIE RUN!" I yelled. "No." he calmly said. "What?!" Sam and I exclaimed. "No. Sam can't kill me anymore." Freddie replied. "Why not, Benson?" demanded Sam. "Because now I can do this." Freddie then proceeds to tackle her to the ground.
Sam's pov

Freddie tackled me to the ground. Our faces are inches apart. Oh chiz, I feel myself getting butterflies. "Ow! What the heck! And when'd you get so strong?!" I questioned. "Same time the voice got deeper." Freddie answered. Dayum, he's hot now. No. Sam, you cannot have a crush on the nub. "Get off. Now." I growled. "Okay, okay, I'll get off." he gave up. Thank God. I feel my face getting heated. Carly looked at me. "Uh Sam? Your kinda red right now." "Oh- uh." I stammered. "Looks like Puckett likes a Benson." Freddie teased. "Do not!" I said. "Whatever I'm going home!" I yelled.
Freddie's pov

Well. That was fun. And nice. I should probably set up the surprise for Sam. After all, I'm gonna ask her to be my Valentine tomorrow. "Carls, will you help me set up the surprise?" I requested. "I want to ask Sam during the webcast!" "Freddie, that's such a good idea!" Carly replied.

Carly and Freddie set up the surprise and hid it with a blanket.
Next day at Ridgeway:
Narrator's pov
Sam walks up to Carly and Freddie at her locker. Carly and Freddie were talking about the surprise later. "You nervous for later?" Carly asked. "Yep. I'm scared Sam will-" Freddie trailed off after seeing Sam walk over to them. Carly looked confused but Freddie gestured over to Sam. "Hey Carls, sup Frednub." Sam greeted. "Heyy Sam," Carly said smirking, "So, you excited for the webcast later?" Freddie gave her a look to shut up. Carly didn't shut up. "Uh yea sure I guess. It's the same old, same old show." Sam said confused. "Hey, uh, Carly can I talk to you in private for a sec?" I mumbled. "Sure, Freddie."
Sam's pov

Why did Freddie only want to talk to Carly? Take a deep breath, Sam. Take a deep breath. Don't be jealous, don't be jealous. Be cool.
Freddie's pov
I left Sam at the lockers as I walked away with Carly. I felt bad. She looked so hurt, but I had to get Carly away from Sam. "Dude! Stop giving the surprise away!" I exclaimed. "Sorry, I can't help it! My two best friends like each other! That's a big deal." "Whatever, I'm going to find Sam. She left after we walked away." I muttered.

I left school to go find Sam. I went to Bushwell Plaza to go check Carly's apartment. "Oh hey Freddie! Where's Carly?" asked Spencer. "Doesn't matter. Have you seen Sam?" "No I haven't. Wanna see my new sculpture?" Spencer started. I had already left. "YOU'RE A BAD LISTENER!" Spencer shouted.

I could only think of one place where she might be. Well, two if you count the Groovy Smoothie. But, I know she wouldn't go there without us. The only place would be.. the fire escape.

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