New hunter

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Art credit @Kioshiima1 on Twitter <3

Mary POV
This morning was like the one before and the one before that. I didn't have a match today usually on days like those I sleep in but it seemed as if everyone else has already woken up. So I reluctantly woke up not wanting to appear lazy to the other hunters. I put on my red dress styled my hair put on my little heels and walked down the giant stair case. I've lived here for a long time I know every inch of this place. 100 stairs per stair case and  56 doors  I knew the place well. After I reach the main level I see Antonio and Joseph talking about a new hunter coming today. I always get exited when someone new comes I always make sure to let them know who's boss and that's me. I walk towards them to continue to listen they see me they walk towards me as a gesture to let me join the gossip. "Good morning Joseph , Antonio" I say doing a quick and polite bow Joseph bows back that's his way of a hello Joseph is well how I call it.. he's short I've joked about it he's definitely made it known he doesn't like it do I care? No. Antonio on the other and is actually quite tall like really tall. "Good morning Mary how are you?" "Fine same as usual" I say pouting a little  "what are you guys talking about new hunter I suppose?" "Indeed!" Joseph said with a bright smile. "What's his name?" I said without thinking. "Oh he's actually a she" Antonio spoke without much emotion. "oh!" I put a hand over my mouth in embarrassment. Joseph chuckled a bit "Antonio don't you have a match in twenty minutes?" The shorter man spoke with elegance "oh yeah your right" Antonio spoke sounding upset at the fact he had a match. I understood it's so tiring and we've been doing this  forever "why do we even do this?" I said accidentally to my surprise they both agreed "who knows at this point any who who's against Antonio?" "I believe it's Tracy, Emily, Aesop and Naib" "well good luck" I say patting his back he nods his thanks and walks off to start his match "I wonder when that new hunter is coming" Joseph says looking at the clock "well last time a hunter came was at twelve" I spoke recalling the last hunter "do we know her hunter name?" "The Geisha, I believe it's a kind of art form" I wonder what her name is I thought "well if she does come at twelve that's is in about 15 minutes" he said raising his eyebrow "I'll be off I'm going to get something to eat would you like to join me" he said tilting his head waiting for a response "I'm good I want to wait for the new hunter" "all right â bientot" He walked off the floor boards creaking behind him about 15 minutes go by when suddenly ding dong! The clock ticked 12:00pm soon enough the main entrance door creaked open I swiftly walk up towards the opening door making sure this "geisha" sees me as her first memory at the manor "why hello there!" I said intimidatingly "oh hello!" She was around my height I was a teeny bit taller "I'm Mary the bloody queen." I said with a more intimidating then friendly smile. She was actually quite pretty if I'm being honest I was a little jealous of her looks but I would never admit that in a million years "hello Mary" she said looking down at her feet "aren't you going to tell me your name?" I say rolling my eyes a bit I make her she doesn't see it though "I am Michiko the geisha  " she spoke in a soft tone she was incredibly pretty shit I said it again "I adore your outfit!" I say pointing to the beautiful dress like clothing she was wearing I've never seen something like it in France nor heard of a geisha. She looked up with a smile "oh thank you Mary!" Her smile was adorable she didn't look intimidated by me at all she looked at me like I was her friend maybe having another friend would be good? The only other friend I have is Joseph if I'm being honest and Antonio is kinda of my friend but he's always acting weird around Joseph so I tend to keep our conversations short. I gesture my hand in a way for her to hold she accepted it graciously with a little bow I showed her around the manor I crack a few jokes. Her laugh was precious. I've always hated me laugh so I try not to. I decided to take my chances and twirled her hair she had a shy look on her face. Her hair was soft but I can't believe it I tailored someone's hair and I haven't even known her for over an hour?! I wonder if I offended her.. After  about two hour I see Antonio walk out with a tired and annoyed look on his face "bad match?" I asked "Stupid Emily" he grunted "what'd she do?" I said confusingly michiko just stood there looking at Antonio I mean it makes sense he must be like 6ft! I'd never ask though "she healed everyone at least three times she's a pain" "so I'm guessing you lost?" I said tilting my head waiting for a response "I only got Naib if I knew I would lose I would have only chased Emily!" "see at least you got one person" I laughed a bit. He looked even more pissed because of that. "I guess" he sounded salty "do you know where Joseph is?" God he's always talking about Joseph "I think he might still be eating" I spoke harshly I don't know why Antonio likes Joseph so much "who's Joseph if I may ask?" Michiko spoke softly interrupting my thoughts "oh he's a hunter here he specializes in photography!" Antonio said happily to have an excuse to talk about Joseph. "Oh how marvellous" She said wit her eyes gleaming. "Your the new hunter correct?" "Yes I'm Michiko!" "my name is Antonio pleasure to meet you I am the violinist here at the manor" Antonio said bowing his head "oh the pleasure is all mine! Mr Antonio" She's so polite why is she so polite? "Hey didn't you want to see Joseph?" I said nonchalantly "Oh yeah your correct well then Mary, Michiko I'll see the both of you ladies later ciao!" he walked away looking for the short blonde man "he already forgot about his shit match" I mumbled to myself "what was that Mary?" Her face came close to mine I couldn't help but blush teeny bit "Mary?" She repeated herself "Oh nothing I didn't say anything" I said sweating a bit "you must be hungry want to get something to eat? I'll show you where to get food when your hungry". "Yeah sure I'd appreciate it Mary thank you!" "Oh no problem don't worry darling"merde! "oh I call everyone darling would you like me to stop?"  did she buy that? Now I have to call everyone darling to fix my lie "No no I was just confused" good "shall we?" I gestured my hand she took it we walked off to get some food I really like her maybe I could have her as a friend?

Song recommendation :
You and me remix by flume

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