Manor date

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Artist @fuwafuwa0107

Mary POV

Today was a surprisingly beautiful day at the manor, I mean it was raining but beautiful none the less. I was getting ready to see Michiko for our date. Combing my hair and trying to cover up my neck scar to the best of my ability. "Why are you trying to cover it?" I jump in terror only to see my friend Joseph peeking at me with his huge blue abyss for eyes. "W- what are you doing, you scared me half to death!" Joseph laughed a bit as my heart still beat a bit fast. "All in good fun, qu'est qui se passe?" He asked me in the language he's more comfortable in "eh rein" I reply "rien?" He raised his eyebrows. "I'm going on a date with Michiko" I roll me eyes and whip my hair at him, he coughs and hides it politely in the nick of his arm "Don't cover it Mary she'll notice, also it looks so stupid" he fixes the yellow  bow in his hair says bye and walks out the door just as quiet as when he walked in. I take a deep breath and get rid of the makeup from my neck and, I go to meet Michiko.
Michiko POV

I saw Mary come into the foyer where we had planned beforehand to meet. She looked very pretty, per usual I give her a smile she smiles back. We chat for a bit I try to flirt it does not land the way I wanted it too but she giggled and blushed. After about twenty minutes a survivor walked in. The survivors usually keep to their group as do we hunters so it was odd to see him walk in, "him" was the embalmer who's name I believe is "Aesop" he walked in without even recognizing the fact that we were clearly in the middle of something, which was a little rude. He sits down and starts writing something he seems like a bit of an odd ball, Mary gives me a look and glanced back at the embalmer I understood that she wanted to go somewhere else where we would not be so easily interrupted. We walked around the manor for a bit and after about fifteen minutes she decided to hold my hand. I really liked that I blushed a tad only a tad and for the record so did she. We just walked swaying our hands back and forth giving each other smiles. We see a couple hunter walk past us in the hallways, some giving us questionable looks, some didn't acknowledge us and some just gave us smiles and hellos. Surprisingly I hadn't seen Mr. Joseph walk past us, I don't want to sound like I don't like him it's just everywhere Mary goes Joseph isn't far behind, I guess they're best friends. I do find that Joseph is outside just sitting looking at the faint setting sun. We had been quiet for a bit so I decide to break the silence. "Your so beautiful" we stop walking. Usually I feel nervous about saying stuff like that but I didn't feel nervous at all, "so are you." She replied I go red, she pulls my face up a little higher to reach her as she is a little taller and gives me a kiss. It gave me butterflies in my stomach it made me feel special and important. "Mary..." she shuts me up and kisses me again, I think Luchino walked by us by I don't even care. I haven't felt this loved since Miles. After that we giggled about it, my heart was pounding in the best way possible. We walked up to her room and shut the door. (This isn't nsfw don't worry) "Mary what are we um.. doing?" I asked her a bit timidly "nothing you don't want to" she smiled kindly. I didn't want to admit it but, I hadn't gotten the best sleep the night prior, it was getting dark and I was tired. "Mary.. I'm kinds of um.. tired" I fiddled with my hair hopping she didn't think I was being rude, she looked down at her feet and turned a bit pink. "You can.. you can stay the night in my room.. I mean if you'd like of course.. but totally fine if you don't want too!" I turned red "you know I'd actually.. I'd like that" she gives me a happy yet surprised look. She takes my hand gently and we walk to her bed. She gives me a plain night gown and lets me change, we walk into the same bed. It was kind of awkward but Mary was so warm and lovely. To break the awkwardness I say "I've never slept in the same bed with French royalty before" she laughs a bit. Before long I'm fast asleep next to my new lover.

Sorry for the shorter chapter usually I try to do at least one thousand words but this was only eight hundred. Sorry for not updating I didn't have any inspiration or motivation. Since today's chapter was short I'll leave you with some ship hcs (the hcs will include ships of the following: Michimary, Jostonio, Adaemily) and just character hcs!!.

- Nicknames like : Michi, darling, Cherie, belle etc
- Michiko would be the one to go "she asked for no pickles on her hamburger" because Mary would be too scared
- Mary is big spoon Michiko Is little
- their bickering starts from "are cats or dogs better"
- they get invested in tvshows together it's their thing
- Antonio listens to Joseph's hour long rants about literally nothing
- Joseph adores taking pictures of Antonio
- nicknames like Sun, moon, chère, Toni etc
- Joseph could say one word and Antonio will know he had a bad day
- Joseph + hearing tonis music = happy Joseph
- they like discussing new patients and tactics
- Emily brushes Adas hair
- "omg I'm so ugly" "WHAT HAVE YOU LOOKED IN A MIRROR?!??!!?!"
- very much the don't talk to me till I've had my coffee couple
- they like books about snakes
- he loved hamsters
- thinks Joseph talks funny
- is convinced Luchinio is a frog
- uses big words wrong to sound smart
- thinks the matches are just a fun game of hide and seek
- draws on the walls

Ty for reading lovely ♡
Song recommendation : Living dead girl by Rob zombie

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