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     Who are you to scatter what the KING has formed? Who know the pros and cons of a child, the attribute, etc. You see, if you are not humble, you can never treat children well. The KING is teaching you humbleness by behaving like children. (13-16). Obedience to the words of the KING invites love from the KING.(18-21). Don't love wealth, money, and all the worldly things. You have done what the law is saying, but you lack the strength in it, the love in it. You obeyed for obeying sake. The reward of obedience to me is a thousand times your sacrifice to me. If you sacrifice everything for the KING's sake, you will meet your new world(eternal life). Eternal life is not found on earth but you have to prepare yourself for it on earth. (33-34). Baptism, know that we have three
1.Water baptism
2. Holy Spirit baptism
3. Tragedy baptism.
And many of want to escape the number three, but without that, you can't follow me. So better prepare yourself. Once again I lead (46-52).


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