Facts can't be denied. The words of the KING are truth and facts which can't be denied. The words written in verse (27-30) are clear. It shows all our artificial staffs and lifestyle can't lead us to heaven and does not please God either, only by obeying his words does. To be brief, the verse (16-23) is teaching us something which must be taking into consideration. But is sad my followers, what I told you about marriage is been disobeyed. Is appalling how some of you disobey the marriage rules I gave you. Oooh come on, why do you want to force yourself to get away from me, I'm here because of you. There was a mews in the air that someone divorced his wife because of Pepsodent. My fellow followers, are you really serious about this. It may be funny but not funny for me your KING because you are disobeying me. People divorce because of insult. I've told you that, apart from sexual immorality no one should live his or her wife or husband. No one should separate what the KING has brought together. My fellow followers, be wise and do the right thing. My enemy your enemy is hunting to hurt you but I'm here to save you, don't, therefore, run away from me. Satan also brings people together if those people disobey what I say. Follow my path for it saves.
Take care and be wise.
SpiritualA Christian book which helps proffer salvation. The book is base on (COLOSSIANS 3:16 and JOSHUA 1:8)