Chapter 4: The spell

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"But theirs a bit of a problem.." Niall said standing up straight walking over to me.

What is it now?


Chapter 4: The Spell


"We have to do this spell thingy." Niall said wrapping his arm around Dana's shoulder.

"So?... What the problem lets get to it." I said d irritated already. I just wanted to get her better already.

"Its in Spanish..." Niall said worriedly.


"Well thats great" I said face palming. This was my chance to get her better. But I don't know ANYTHING about speaking Spanish. I took Spanish in middle school but I got bad grades in that. Not even the lads or Dana knew spanish. Ugh what am I supposed to d- I was cut off from Yssa.

"Guys don't worry. Remember I'm Spanish. I could read it, speak it and write it" Yssa said. I was relieved. Yes!

"Thank you so much Yssa for being Spanish" I said as I hugged her. Im glad shes Spanish. I could I not know that. She looked Spanish. With the curly hair, tanned skin. But then again Zayn is also had tanned skin. I guess thats what makes them good for each other.

"Okay great" Niall said clapping his hands together. "Now I just have to find the book with that spell in it." Niall said walking down the stairs.

He came back upstairs in a matter of seconds. Oh yeah vampire speed. He put the book on my desk and skimmed through the pages. "Aha! Found it" Niall yelled signaling Yssa to go.

"Alright Yssabella! Read that." Niall said pointing at some words.

"Okay" she said simply picking up the book and walking towards the girl.

"Go Yssa" Zayn and Dana said at the same time.

"inmóvil como una piedra, inmóvil como oro, trae el don de la parte posterior movimiento a la vez" Yssa yelled.

And soon enough the girl started blinking and started to move. Yes!


The Yssa girl said the words in Spanish. I could hardly under stand what she said but I was able to move again.

I began to blink and move. I finally put my head up to look at everyone.

"What did it even mean? I could bearly understand what you were saying" Dana asked Yssa. I relieved to be back to normal.

"Its said, still as stone, still as gold, bring the gift of movement back at once" she said looking at the book again.

Harry hugged her and came to me. "Are you okay?" He asked. No I fucking wasnt. I want to go home.

"No" I said bluntly. I wasn't in the mood. And I did t want to be near Harry.

"Oh get away Harry from her she doesn't wanna be near you obviously" an Asian girl who im guessing is Dana, Niall's girlfriend said as she pushed Harry out if the way. And Yssa also followed Dana from behind. They seem nice. Plus their not blood-suckers like Harry.


CHAPPY 4 IS DONE!! Tell me hat ya think! Bye!


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