Chapter 15: Run Away

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I love all the comments your leaving me.... Even though you were only telling to updateI still feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol!

Well heres chapter 15...

And sorry for the late update



Chapter 15: Run Away

<Harry's POV>

I looked at her and suddenly...

I got the urge again...

My eyes scrunched together.

Why am I craving again if I just drank blood just the other day?

My urge got stronger and stronger an my breathing picked up. I looked at Abby and I could hear her heart beating at a slow pace... Pumping all the sweet blood through our her body.

Snap out of it Harry!

I licked my lips and got closer to her neck.

I had my mind set on one thing...


<Yssabella's POV>

I started walking... Well running up the stairs to see Abby.

I got the perfect plan for the... Plan.

I was about to open the door.

"I got an idea for the" -I opened the door to see Harry- "F-For th-the... Shoe design?" I said but came out more like a question.

Good one Yssa.

Note the sarcasm.

Harry's head shot to me.

He looked... Different.

"Uhm... Harry? Are you ok?" I asked now a little concerned. Harry was like a brother to me so I cared about him. Just like the rest of the boys. Since I'm an only child... Their like the brothers I never had... Including El, Dani, and Dana, they were the sisters I never had. OH! And Including Abby.

Harry nodded really fast. Bobbing his head up and down.

Uhm... I don't think he's ok.

His eyes were dilated and his eyes were glowing with specks of red in them...

What the hell?

"I have to go." He said and walked out the room.

What is wrong with hi-

WAIT! Please don't tell me he's gonna...




"HARRY!!" I screamed and flew down the stairs. All I heard was the front door slam closed.

I gotta do something. And fast.

I ran the living room to find The rest of the boys and the rest of the girls watching a movie and cuddling.

"Hey Yssa! Wha-" I cut Liam off.

"No time. Harry." -I pointed towards the front door- "Left and I think he's gonna do it again.." I exclaimed. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Shit." I heard Niall say.

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