Leaving Liam

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I woke up tangled in sheets and feeling slightly suffocated. I quickly tried unraveling myself which only resulted in me falling on the ground, again.

"Liam!" I yelled.

"Breakfast is ready!" he yelled back. I threw the blankets on the couch and walked Into the kitchen to see an amazing breakfast of... Toast. I sighed and smiled before messing up Liams hair and grabbing my toast and scarfing it down.

"Who do you plan on visiting next?" Liam asked as he finished his toast.

"I dink ima vizit Lowe" I said as I ate causing Liam to chuckle, I tried again, " I Think I'm ima visit Louis," I said clearer.

He nodded thoughtfully before he grabbed a notepad.

"Alright I have no idea what kind of mood Louis will be in so be prepared. What you need to get is a fake pigeon, carrots and possibly some tissues, for bleeding or tears," he said the last part quietly and quickly so I didn't catch it. I nodded before Liam started talking again.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Josh... He asked me too and One Direction has made him so happy since I was bullied and depressed and I don't want him to give up on his dreams and I want him to know I'm capable of being okay, of being able to put back together what is broken," I said slowly, my words sinking in.

"You were bullied?" Liam finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, I was called a lesbian, fat, slut, you name it. At one point I had apparently screwed half the middle school football team," I let out a small chuckle as Liam's frown deepened, "That was when I cut for the first time," I rolled my shirt up to show him the old scars on my stomach and Liam had a sharp intake of breath.

"I've been bullied before too," he said sadly, "I don't exactly want to talk about it now, but if you can get the band back together I will tell you," he smiled at me. I smiled back and walked around the counter to hug him.

"So do you need a ride to the airport?" Liam asked me.

"Can we go today?" I asked back.

"Yes, Let's go!" he exclaimed before dragging me out of his apartment, somehow grabbing my stuff on the way.

"Just to let you know Liam, I'm keeping your shirt," I joked, pulling at his green shirt.

"Fine with me," He shrugged before turning the radio on.

"Super Bass, Super Bass," Nikki Minaj rapped, I started trying to act gangster causing Liam to laugh out before we pulled into a parking spot at the hotel.

"Do you need help?" Liam asked me, as he got out of his car.

"Sure," I shrugged as we got in the elevator and headed to my room. I grabbed my laptop and tossed it in a open suitcase and stuck my still wet swimsuit in a plastic bag and all the things I bought into a suitcase. Liam grabbed one of the suitcases and walked out of the door towards the elevator with me trailing behind him. I stuck my suitcases in the back before I went back in and checked out. Liam then proceeded to drive me to the airport.

"Promise me you'll be careful?" Liam asked me.

"I promise! Jeez don't go Daddy Direction on me," I joked before pulling his hood up and pulling the strings.

"Here," he pulled his hood down and handed me his phone, "Put your number in I might be able to give you some advice on talking to the other boys," he said simply. I nodded and entered my number in his phone before he shoved me off to security and waved at me until I couldn't see him. When the plane took off I couldn't help the words that escaped my mouth.

"I won't let you down Liam, I'm getting the Direction, back in One Direction,"

A/N so thanks for that one vote! :3 I would love it if you voted and commented, you might get a chappy dedicated to you if you comment :) I'm sorry for the late update, again. I think I will try to update on Sunday's from now on... I'm updating on my iPod since it's so late at night so I can't put any funny pics but there will be for next week. Sorry it's a short chapter but I hate long droning parts about plane rides and stuff like that.. Um sorry I'm ranting xD please vote comment and fan! It would make my day :) love you!!

Getting The Direction Back In One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now