Meeting the God of Mischief

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Stiles met up with Natasha back at headquarters, which was in the sea. When he came back after the interrogation assignment, Agent Maria Hill had informed him of the threat they're facing. Stiles was shocked to hear about an asgardian god and not only that but the god of mischief. That's why they needed him because he can probably help a lot with his powers.

Anyway back to reality, Stiles and Nat walk towards a landing jet. They see Coulson and an unknown man coming down from it. ''Agent Romanoff, Agent Stilinski, Captain Rogers.'' He greets the three. Stiles realizes this is the man that has been frozen for years and is nonstop annoyed by Coulson saying a lot of stuff about him. He adores the soldier too much.

''M'am. Kid.'' Rogers greeted. ''Hi.'' Nat says while Stiles protests. ''Why is everyone thinking I'm a kid? I'm 20.'' He complains. Steve snorts.

''They need you on the bridge.'' Nat says to Coulson. He nodded and left. ''Is quite the buzz around here, finding you in ice.'' Nat says to Steve as they began to walk, Stiles following. ''Thought Coulson was going to swoon.'' Nat jokes. ''Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?'' Stiles added. ''Trading cards?'' Steve questions. ''They're vintage. He's really proud.'' Nat says.

The three come up to a man who looked very awkward. Stiles felt something strange in the guy. He can feel two minds in the guy's brain. One is nervous and calm while the other is filled with rage. Stiles frowned, confused. ''Dr. Banner.'' Steve greets. The man turns to them. Steve hel a hand out to him. ''Uh, yeah, hi.'' Banner greets, shaking Steve's hand. ''They told me you'd be coming.'' He said. ''Word has it that you can find the cube.'' Steve says. ''Is that the only word about me?'' Banner asks. ''Only word I care about.'' Steve responds. ''Must be strange for you, with all...this.'' Banner says, gesturing around him.

''Well...this is actually kind of familiar.'' Steve says. ''Gentlemen, you might want to step inside for a minute.'' Stiles says, noticing the two heading close to the edge. ''It's gonna get a little hard to breathe.'' He adds. The two men looked confused until loud engine noises can be heard.

''Is this a submarine?'' Steve asks. ''Really? They want me in a submerged container?'' Bruce asks. Stiles and Nat smile from behind them. The helicarrier starts to lift into the sky and the two men stumble. ''Nope, this is just worst.'' Bruce comments and Stiles laughs.

The four head inside and come to the main room. Banner and Steve look in awe while Stiles smirks and Nat smiles, walking off. Stiles sees Nick Fury coming. ''Gentlemen.'' He greets to both Steve and Banner. Steve takes out his wallet and gives some money to Fury. Fury smiles, obviously winning the bet he made with Steve back in the gym.

''Dr. Thank you for coming.'' Fury says, holding a hand out for Bruce to shake. ''Thanks for asking nicely.'' Bruce says and shakes his hand. ''So um, how long am I staying?'' He asks. ''Till we get our hands on the tesseract.'' Fury responds. ''Where are you with that?'' Bruce questions. Fury points to Coulson. ''We're wiping away every accessible camera on the planet. Phones, laptops, everything that is connected to a satellite. It's eyes and ears for us.'' Coulson answers.

''It's still not gonna find them in time.'' Nat spoke up. ''How many spectrometer's  do you have access to?'' Bruce asks. ''How many other?'' Fury asks sarcastically. ''Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometer's on the roof to calibrate them for the gamma rays.'' Bruce orders. ''You have somewhere for me to work?'' He then asks Fury. ''Romanoff, Stilinski, please show Banner to his laboratory, please?'' Fury asks Nat and Stiles. They nod and guide him.

''You're gonna love it doc. They got all kinds of toys.'' Stiles says and Bruce smiles.

They head into the laboratory and Bruce looks in awe at the tech. ''Wow.'' He says. Suddenly the speakers turned on. ''Agent Romanoff and Stilinski, we need you on deck.'' Coulson's voice announced. ''We just got here.'' Stiles groaned. Nat chuckles. ''Let's go. See you doc.'' Nat says as she drags Stiles out the room, leaving a smiling scientist alone.                                                                       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

''You are made to be ruled.'' Loki says to the kneeling crowd. ''In the end, you will always kneel.'' He continued. An old man suddenly stands up. ''Not to men like you.'' He says. Loki chuckles. ''There are no men like me.'' He says. ''There are always men like you.'' The old man says back. Loki raises his scepter with a smile. ''Look at your elder, people. Let him be an example.'' He says before blasting a blue beam at the man.

Suddenly, a figure dropped from outta nowhere and blocked the blast with his shield. The blast bounced off the shield and back at the God of Mischief. It blasted him and he fell to the floor. The figure revealed to be Captain America. Loki looks up at him with narrowed eyes.

''You know, the last time I was in germany, and saw a man standing above everyone else, we ended up disagreeing. ''The soldier.'' Loki chuckles as he stood with the scepter. ''The man out of time.'' He commented. ''I'm not the one who is out of time.'' Steve says. A shield jet suddenly comes. Another figure suddenly jumped from the back and landed on the ground. The figure had black armor that looked ninja like. A sword is strapped onto his back. When the figure looks up, he is revealed to be Psi. Loki looks at him curiously, feeling great power coming from the boy.

''And a child.'' He says. Stiles twitches an eye, standing up. ''Why is everyone think I'm a kid?! I a fucking man!!! And my name is Stiles!!'' Stiles shouts. Loki just chuckles and Nat, who sat in the jet, readied a turret and aimed at him. ''Loki, drop the weapon and stand down.'' She says from the speakers.

Loki shoots another blast from his scepter and Nat barely avoided the blast. Captain America throws his shield at Loki. It hits him in the chest and comes back to Steve, who then punched him in the face. Psi ran at them, taking out his sword. Loki struck at Steve with his scepter but Steve blocked. Loki knocks the shield away before hitting Steve in the stomach with the staff and the soldier stumbled back.

Stiles jumped and brought down his sword on Loki but the god blocked with his scepter. Loki pushes him away but Stiles back flips and runs back at him. Stiles slashed at him and Loki blocks his attacks. Stiles then kicks him back and was about to slash the sword on him before Loki suddenly blasts him back with the scepter. Stiles falls back as his sword fell out of his hands but gets up again. Loki blasts him again but Stiles creates a force field with his arm and blocks the attack.

(Just imagine its stiles)

Stiles eyes start to glow purple as he start to gather his strength before he threw his hand out and the force field flew and crashed into Loki, sending him flying back. Captain throws his shield at Loki but Loki knocked it away. Steve runs at him and threw a punch but Loki dodges and swings his scepter at him. Steve dodges and dodges another swing of the scepter before punching the god in the ribs. It doesn't faze Loki and he knocks Steve away with the staff.

Psi runs at Loki and punches him. Loki stumbles back and Psi kicks him in the face before grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. Psi tried to step on him but Loki rolls away and blasts him away, making him fall back. Loki points his scepter at him. ''Kneel.'' He says. Stiles knocks the staff away with his foot and did a rising handspring onto his feet again before shooting a blast of purple energy from his hand at Loki, sending him back. ''Not today.'' He says.

Stiles suddenly hears rock music and he turns around to see a flying figure coming towards them. The figure suddenly blasts Loki from his hands, sending the god who was standing up back to the ground. The figure is Iron Man and he points his hands at Loki, the circles one the palms glowing. Stiles looks at him. That voice sounds familiar from some commercials.

''Make your move, reindeer games.'' He says. Loki's armor fades as he raises his hands in surrender. ''Good move.'' Iron man says as he relaxed his stance. ''Mr. Stark.'' Steve greets and Stiles now realizes this guy is Tony Stark. ''Cap'n.'' Tony says back. Stiles can feel some tension between the two but decided not to question it. ''Kid.'' Tony then says to him. Stiles threw his hands into the air. ''I'm done. I'm absolutely done with this.'' Stiles said, walking back to the jet.

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