Attack on the Helicarrier

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A few hours after they turned Loki in, Stiles finally had the time to eat his delicious pizza and carry on sleeping. 

He suddenly awoke to an explosion and the helicarrier shaking. He stumbles as he headed out his room and sees agents running everywhere, alarms sounding. He runs to the main room and sees Fury leaning on a table, talking with Maria.

''Fury, what the hell is going on? And where's the others and Nat?'' Stiles asks. ''Someone's attacking the helicarrier. Your aunt is down below with Dr. Banner.'' Fury replies. ''We need help on the lower hangar.'' He says to Maria. She nods and was about to head out when suddenly, a grenade is rolled in front of her.

Stiles sees it and shouts in warning. ''Grenade!'' He tackles Maria to the side. Soldiers dressed in black suddenly come in with guns raised. Fury grabs one soldier before shooting another with his pistol. He kicks down the one he's holding and punches another one. Stiles gets up from Maria and creates his psionic whip. He throws it and it wraps around a soldier's gun before he tossed it away and whips the man straight in the stomach, sending him back to the wall. He whips another in the back before wrapping it around his leg and throwing him into another soldier. Maria shoots an incoming soldier that was behind Stiles with her pistol. He nods at her and she does too. ''Now we're even.'' She says, making him smile. 

More bad agents come and Fury, Maria and Stiles all attack them. An announcer said something about the hulk and thor in some sector of the helicarrier. ''Sir, the hulk will tear this place apart!'' Maria shouts to Fury. Stiles frowns. The Hulk? The green monster he's seen on the news. Is that why he sensed two minds in Bruce's head? ''Get his attention.'' Fury orders. Maria says something on her comms but Stiles is too preoccupied to understand.

He then sends a wave of purple energy at the incoming soldiers and they all fell to the ground. An explosion suddenly happened and agents were sent flying. Stiles sees an arrow whiz past him into a computer. He looks towards the direction of where it came from and pales at who he sees. He stares into the eyes of Clint Barton which were a brighter blue then usual. Fury also spots him and shoots. Clint dodges and leaves. Stiles looks the spot his friend was before turning to the arrow the archer shot. 

He sees it plunging something into the computer and all the computers started to glitch or power off. Everything seemed to power off and everyone stumbles to regain balance. Stiles stumbled against a computer.

''Stiles, come with me.'' Fury says, leaving the room. Stiles nods and follows after him. They run into the cellar where Loki was supposedly held. They see Loki missing and Coulson on the floor, bleeding from the stomach. ''No!'' Stiles shouts, speeding to him. ''No, stay awake, Coulson, stay awake!'' He pleads as he kneels in front of the agent. Fury puts his hand on the young adult's shoulder, trying also hard not to cry at losing his first best friend and agent. ''I'm sorry, guys. I failed you.'' Coulson says tiredly. ''No, you didn't. You did not fail. It just backfired, now please stay with us.'' Stiles begs. ''At least it was nice meeting Steve Rogers and having you all as my friends.'' Coulson says before he stopped breathing. 

Stiles lowers his head as he cries, Fury tightening his hand on his shoulder. They step back as the medics take him away. Fury told everyone on the comms of what happened as Stiles walks away.                                                                                                                                                                                  

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