Battle of New York Pt 2

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Stiles slashed at alien soldiers as Nat shoots and Clint rescues people in the trapped bus. Once the archer finished, he ran back to them and shot arrows at the aliens.

''It's just like Budapest's, solo version.'' Nat says. ''Yeah!'' Stiles agrees, stabbing through a soldier. ''You two and I remember budapest very differently.'' Clint says. More aliens dropped down and Stiles slashed at them. He created his telekinetic shield, blocking the blasts as Nat and Clint support him. Once they all died, Stiles let out a relieved sigh, dissipating his shield.

More aliens came and Nat and Clint had to use combat now. Clint sweeps one of it's feet before stabbing an arrow in it's stomach. Nat electrocutes one with her electric bracelets. Stiles flips towards two before swinging and cutting their heads off. Clint gets tackled by one but stabs an arrow in it. Nat uses an alien spear and blasts them. Stiles kicks one back before slashing another alien in half.

Suddenly, Steve appears and kills two. Suddenly, lightning bolts blasted down on the rest of the aliens and Thor suddenly lands in front of them. ''What's the story upstairs?'' Steve asks him. ''The barrier surrounding the cube is impenetrable.'' Thor replies. ''Thor's right.'' Tony's voice suddenly sounds through the comms. ''We got to deal with these guys.'' He adds.

''How do we do this?'' Nat asks. ''As a team.'' Steve replies. ''I have unfinished business with Loki.'' Thor says. ''Yeah, well get in line.'' Clint and Stiles say at the same time, knowing they want to finish him for what he did. ''Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. We got Stark up top. He's gonna need us-'' Steve started but was interrupted by a motorcycle's noise. The five all turn to see Bruce riding towards them on a motorcycle.

Bruce gets off and walks towards them, them doing the same. ''So.'' The scientist starts. ''This all seems horrible.'' He comments. ''I know, right?'' Stiles says, smiling at seeing his friend. ''I've seen worse.'' Nat says. ''Sorry.'' Bruce apologizes. ''No, we could use a little worse.'' Nat explains, referring to the 'other' guy.

''Stark. We got him.'' Steve says. ''Banner?'' Stark asks through comms. ''It's just like you said.'' Steve said. ''Well tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you.'' Stark orders.

Now six of the avengers turn to see Stark coming towards them with the giant alien whale thing. ''I don't see how that is a party.'' Nat says. Banner starts walking towards the giant thing. ''Dr. Banner. Now is a really great time to get angry.'' Steve says. The scientist turns to him. ''That's my secret, cap. I'm always angry.'' Bruce says before shifting.

His skin turned green as his size increased and his shirt ripped and Stiles stares wide eyed at seeing the transformation. Yup, more weirder than Werewolf shifting. ''Holy shit.'' He whispered. Nat and Steve raise an eyebrow at him while Thor and Clint just laugh.

The Hulk punched the alien whale in the face and the end of it starts to lift. Iron man suddenly comes in and shoots a rocket at it. It exploded and Stiles created a shield for all of them to block the armor pieces.

They all then gather into a circle like a hero group as aliens shouted at them. Hulk roars, Iron Man floats in the middle, Hawkeye readies his bow and arrows, Thor spins his hammer in his hand, Balck Widow reloads her guns, Captain America readies his shield and Psi creates both his psionic blade and whip.

They all look up and see two more armored alien whales coming through the portal. ''Oh shit. Here we go again.'' Stiles says. ''Guys.'' Nat warns. ''Called it, Captain.'' Stark says.

''Alright listen up. Until we can get that portal to close, our priorities are containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Stark you get the perimeter.'' Steve orders. ''Wanna give me a lift?'' Clint asks the billionaire. ''Right, better clinch up.'' Stark answers before grabbing the archer and blasting off.

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