Ch23 The reason he did this

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~~ 3rd POV ~~

It has been a day since Paw ran away and Ink was accusing everyone for telling her. Blue was accused for telling her although he didn't know about the plan. He then ran away to the woods and then came back saying that there was a camera in his eye socket. And also that he saw Paw with Killer and Horror.

Ink became so sus of everyone that he put cameras in all the sanses' eye sockets. If they saw Paw he would know.

He stopped taking the positive feelings vials. He also stopped refilling them. So he only refilled the negative feelings. It caused the universe to become very negative and it was taking a toll on Dream. He couldn't make any portals anymore. He needed Ink to make them. Blue had to take a lot of care of Dream. Dream became so weak that he could barely walk.

What did Ink do? Nothing. He was thinking insane thoughts of that they were going to kill him. And thought this was all fake.

He started to command Blue and Dream who were at the mercy of Ink. Blue couldn't go back home without Ink making a portal. And Dream can't get away from Ink because he was weak.

They all had to fight Error and Nightmare. Ink was commanding Dream to shoot special arrows at Nightmare gravely wounding him.

Error and Nightmare ran away and then Ink hit both Blue and Dream saying that they did it all wrong and that they should have hit them harder too kill them.

He also said that those arrows would have killed Nightmare if he hit one more arrow. Dream didn't want Nightmare to die. He only wanted him back to normal.

Then Ink commanded Dream to try and capture Paw's soul. And then she escaped and took Dream with her.

Ink was furious. He blamed Sci for making a body that didn't work and that he didn't try to stop her.

He also blamed Blue for not stopping Paw. He didn't get any dinner that night.

One day Blue asked Ink if he could go back to his AU. Ink declined and hit Blue. Because why not? Blue can't go anywhere else.

Fresh didn't get a camera in his eye because he was a parasite. And also his eyes freaked Ink out.

Nightmare took his sick brother to his room and was trying to get him to eat.

Then one day Dream asked. "B-brother do you blame yourself for killing the villagers? Do you still love me?" Nightmare was happy that his brother was awake but he was a little weak.

"I.. I did blame myself. And also brother. I have always loved you." Nightmare said.

"Did Paw talk to you about the blame? I also blamed myself for not protecting you better." Dream said trying to sit up.

Nightmare held Dream steady as he nodded. "She took out all the bones and weird arrows and healed the goop." Nightmare said.

Dream started to cry. "Whoa Dream what's wrong?" "T-those a-a-arrows w-w-ere m-meant to kill y-you. I-ink t-told m-me t-to s-shoot them at you! He then told me that one last hit from those arrows would've killed you! And he was angry that you didn't die!" Dream said tears falling down his face.

Nightmare said that it wasn't his fault and that it was Ink's. He tried to comfort Dream.

"I didn't kill all the villagers. I spared one. Do you want to see her? She was the only villager that was nice too me without you nearby." Nightmare said holding Dream up.

They walked to the library and when Ava saw Nightmare she smiled. But then she saw Dream. Her face turned to shock as Dream was very weak.

"Oh my what happened to Dream Nightmare? Come sit down." She said as she walked to the reading area.

"Ink made too much negativity that it is poisoning him."  Nightmare explained.

"Nightmare who is that? I haven't seen her before." Dream asked and Ava moved the goop to her first form.

"You might not remember me Dream but my name is Avary. But you can call me Ava." She said bowing.

"Oh someone is coming I have to go. See you later you two!" Ava said as she went to the counter.

Dream and Nightmare went back to his room. And had a talk.

Error then burst into the room. "What the heck Error! Do you not know the word knocking?" Nightmare yelled being startled.

"Sorry but someone set the kitchen on fire. And I'm not sure who" Error said.


This is slight filler but I don't care. Paw had the spotlight for too long and it needed to change. At least we got a little backstory for Ava.

If that's all then byee

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