Ch34 Back home

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~~ Paw's POV ~~

I landed on the ground with Dream falling next to me. I saw a stump with an iris on it. I was

Back home.

I gently put Nightmare on the ground 'I need to change my clothes ok?' I said and Dream nodded. I grabbed my backpack and walked into a ruined building and changed into my white sweater with the stars, my black trousers and most importantly. No shoes!

I stepped out and carefully looked around. I went to Dream and Nightmare who was sitting. I smiled 'Your awake Nightmare!' Dream was hugging Nightmare tightly. 'We need to move. Welcome to my world' I said picking Nightmare up in a piggy back ride.

"Where are we going?! Can I hold my brother?" Dream asked as we walked. I saw someone standing still. His back was turned to us but I knew who it was. Ink.

I was nervous and moved faster to get as far away as possible. But it seems that Ink was talking to someone. I saw Shattered and Healed!

'You can carry your brother. But come slowly' I said as Nightmare woke up completely "Rude I can walk myself!" He said as he stood up. I nodded and ran forwards.

"Come on Ink. Don't you remember your old pal?" Shattered said holding Healed in a tentacle. I jumped up and down waving my arms. Healed noticed and looked at me. 'Not your Ink. He is my Ink.' His eyes went wide "Brother I think that this isn't our world." Healed said and Shattered looked at him. "What do you mean?" "Well someone told me. So come on brother let me go" Healed said as Shattered dropped him. Ink looked behind himself and at me. He then looked at his scarf. He had no expression on his face.

"Found you. I have been looking all over for you Paw" Ink said pulling his brush out I was frozen Shattered noticed my fear and grabbed Ink with a tentacle. Ink cut it with his brush.

"Come on Paw, I need to ask a few questions come on don't make this harder for yourself" Ink said snapping me out of my trance and running away into the woods. I felt Error's presence nearby but I had to ignore it.

I was at the clearing and ran in the direction of Nightmares castle. I was scared so blood started to trickle from my mouth. I kept on running but it was getting slower the longer I ran.

Then I saw the castle and ran faster because I didn't know how close Ink was to me. Then Ink was in front of me. I screamed in fear as Ink raised his paintbrush to hit me. I didn't even think about attacking Ink. I remember what happened.

I coughed and moved away. Making sur my scarf wasn't getting any of the blood on it.

He smiled with blank eyes when an arrow pierced his arm he turned and looked at the attacker. I looked and saw Dream. My Dream. He was standing next to my Nightmare.

"Haven't you had enough Ink?! Leave!" Dream said and I double clapped. I heard clapping getting closer. And I sliced at Inks legs leaving cuts that let black ink come out.

"Fine you win. But I will be back" Ink said as he disappeared. I looked behind me and saw Shattered, Healed, Dream and Nightmare. I coughed more blood and fell down. "Paw!" I heard as more blood came out of my mouth. Then my body contorting from the pain. I felt two things hug me and I started to calm down.

I opened my eyes smiling at Dream and Nightmare and hugging them back. 'Thank you two' I said "Paw don't do that again! You really scared us!" Dream said 'I can not control it' I said looking around. "Milky are you here?!" I said and I heard someone "Omg I recognize that voice! Paw is that you. Give me a moment!" I heard and a white dog came running out of the woods and right at me.

Tail wagging she looked at me. "Who are they?" "Friends" I said as Milky was happy and licked Dream. Who giggled and looked at Milky. "Who is this? Your so soft and pretty!" Dream said as he petted Milky. Nightmare also smiled and petted Milky.

'Her name is Milky Way' I said and Dream's smile got bigger. "Can someone explain what's going on?" older Dream asked and Shattered came out of the forest and older Dream pulled out his bow. "Whoa there bud. Don't you want to know what's going on?" Shattered said holding his arms up.

Me, Dream and Nightmare were just petting Milky who loved every second of it. Then Healed came out and both the older twins moved back ready to fight. I stood up and looked between the sets of twins. 'Please no fights. These are yous in different worlds' I said looking at Dream and Nightmare. But they didn't let their guards down. I smiled now I know that Dream was safe. "Why are you smiling? Also why do you feel so familiar?" Dream asked and my mood dropped. 'You probably do not remember me but my name is Paw' I said looking at them with a small smile. They both stepped back but they didn't react.

I took my backpack out and grabbed the book that I took with me and walked to the castle. "Where do you think you're going?" Older Nightmare asked. 'Your library' I said looking him in the eye. And teleported inside the castle.

"Who are you?!" Dust asked because I walked around the corner to the living room. 'Hello my name is Paw and I need to go to the library bye' I said picking up speed and walking to the library. I reached it and moved the doors getting inside.

I smiled at the goopy human and walked up to her and the counter. 'I need to return this book' I said looking at Avary. She smiled "I wondered why this book was missing. Thank you so much" she said smiling and I smiled back. I looked around in the library and left with a smile on my face. I teleported outside and walked back to my friends.

I sat down and explained why I felt so familiar. 'I am from this world they are from a world where all the sanses are children and they go to a daycare.' I said pointing at Dream and Nightmare who were still petting Milky. 'They are from a world where Shattered wanted to show Healed that he knew what he was going through finding the last dark apple and eating it.' I said pointing to Healed and Shattered. They felt nervous.

I smiled and felt a creature come closer so I turned my head towards the woods. I stood up and walked closer to the woods. I saw 90's clothes and ran inside the forest. I looked around and then ran right into him. I stumbled back and looked into Fresh's shades. They went Hey-Paw and my eyes went wide. 'Do you know me?' "Waddya mean brosef? Of course I know you bro" Fresh said and I tackle hugged him. "Whoa there bud. Wanna talk?" He said stumbling and falling on the ground.

We then 'talked' for a bit. "Paw where are you?" I heard 'Want to see my friends?' I asked Fresh who nodded and got up. We walked back to the clearing and I introduced Fresh to younger Dream and Nightmare.

~~ 3rd POV ~~

While Paw was having fun there were multiple eyes looking and learning Paw's weaknesses. They moved back and formed different plans.

Fate had a lot of fun watching at what was happening. She let Chaos do his thing making this that more interesting.


Another chapter done!

You guys can also write suggestions for the next chapter or others.


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