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Chapter 5 // " the best thing you can do for a friend when there hurt is to be there, even when you have nothing to offer but your presence"

- unknown



Ever since what happened i decided to stay away for a while, it had been a week and I was sure that was enough so when trell called i answered. I told him that i was really busy with finals so he didn't think i was upset with him, and now here i was walking back into his house being met with a familiar sound, ken yelling at the game, trell asking when it was his turn again and there mom in the kitchen. 

I closed the door behind me before walking over to the couch sitting next to ken " aye can i play next?" I asked

Ken nodded and he handed the controller to me as he lost " oh wow" trell said sarcastically

Ken rolled his eyes "you don't deserve to play and you know it"he said

I looked at him confused " why what did he do?" I asked

Ken sighed " heres a hint, look around the room. Who or what is missing" he asked

I glanced around the room and it came to me quickly " where's davaughn?" I asked

Ken glanced over at trell " ever since trells dumb ass scared him he hasnt been downstairs, and today he finnaly did come down and well.." He paused

Trell rolled his eyes crossing his arms " i yelled at him okay, you can stop trying to make me feel guilty. He deserved it anyway" he said

I handed ken the controller as i lost but he set it down " he yelled some evil ass shit if I might add" he said

I frowned " and yall niggas aint think to check on him, today or the other 6 days he was in his room?"i asked annoyed

Ken sighed " i tried, but it's not like he'll ever open the door for any of us, and honestly I'm starting to not blame him"he said before picking up the controller and starting to play again

I stood up walking to the stair case, i hesitated for a second as i heard trell say my name but i started walking up anyway, it felt like walking up the stairs was taking for ever. Walking down the hall was even worse but i eventually made it standing in front of the door. The only one that had a very obvious sign that said go away, i sighed knocking slightly.

There was no sound at first so i knocked again and a light turned on, there was some shuffling before he walked over and opened the door " what?" He asked

I sighed " are you ight? Ken said you aint come downstairs all week" i said

Davaughn was quiet for a second " do you really care or did they make you do this? Either way im fine so you can go away" he said

I shook my head " no. I- i do care" i said which was probably one of the hardest things I had to say but when people don't leave there room for a week, something has to be wrong.

Davaughn rolled his eyes opening the door some more before going back to his bed, he sat down leaning against the wall, i stood still for a second before he guestered for me to come in.

I walked into the room shutting the door behind me, his room was cleaner then i expected. I walked over to chair he had in his room sitting down " were you asleep?" I asked

Davaughn shook his head "nah, i don't really sleep as much as i should" he said

I nodded kinda confused " then why was the light out?" I asked

I glanced over at him seeing he was staring blankly at the wall across the room " i had a headache" he said which seemed like a lie

I nodded " look mane, somethings wrong... You can tell me" i said

Davaughn continued staring at the wall " thought that was the one thing i didnt have to tell people, its kinda obvious don't you think? Or mabye not cause no one seems to do anything about it" he said

I frowned " no your right, it is obvisous. Im sorry people don't say anything." I said

Now i was starting to feel more guilty " im sorry i dont say anything" i mumbled

Davaughn laughed slightly like what I said was funny to him " you got any siblings" He asked

I nodded "yeah, I've been coming around here for as long as i can remember and you dont know anything about me" i said

Davaughn laughed glancing away from the wall towards me "we haven't been able to hold a conversation since i was eight, and even then i was struggling to keep my end of it going" he said

I smiled remembering the short but memorable friendship we did have, maybe we could have it again. Just not right now, i could tell this conversation would be short when he remembers what ever i did to him that made him hate me. But i was gonna make the best of it.

I smiled nodding " yeah i remember that, and what were you gonna say after that question?" I asked remembering the conversation we were supposed to be having

Davaughn looked back at the wall " there lucky, they'll never have to know the feeling of realising there older brother doesn't care" he said 

I wasnt sure how to feel about that sentence, on one hand it was a deffently a compliment on the other i was sad. Sad that he felt that way, and sad that my bestfriend, the only older guy I had to look up to made him feel this way.


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