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Chapter 6 // "death happens all the time especisally where I'm from, you don't see it coming before it's to late"



My mom was at work so i dropped my siblings off at daycare before going to where trell was. I had never been here before i just know i didn't like it. I opened the fence walking in seeing trell and some guy fighting on the steps.

I quickly walked over " aye mane, whats going on" i asked

The guy rolled his eyes " you and your theaf of a friend need to get out of here now" he said

Trell rolled his eyes " i didn't take shit from you nigga" he said

The guy crossed his arms " your lucky im letting you leave, if i were you id go and watch your back" he said

I sighed grabbing trells arm " come on nigga" i said still kinda confused on what was happening

We walked out of that yard and walked to the end of the block, trell looked mad but he wasnt saying anything so i decided to.

I sighed looking up at him " what just happened" i asked

Trell rolled his eyes " nothing, that nigga was smoking then he started taking other shit , and out of no where he started threatening me and yelling about how i was a theif" he said

I sighed " let's just go to yo house, and you should probably not hang around people who take hard drugs"i said as trell nodded

We walked all the way back to his house, we walking into the fence and up the steps. Once we were inside it was quiet and i thought everyone was gone but Davaughn came walking out of the kitchen.

Trell stopped walking and glanced over at him " oh you finally came out" he said

Davaughn rolled his eyes " well i cant stay upstairs forever now can I" he said

Trell shrugged " it was finally starting to get quiet, mabye you should go back up and we can test that theory" he said

Davaughn sighed " i don't understand what I did" i said

Trell rolled his eyes " well being born was the start" he said

Davaughn went quiet for a second before walking passed trell towards the front door.

I looked at him concerned " where are you going?" I asked already tired of these nigga getting in trouble. There was only so much i could do

Trell laughed " he doesn't know, hes just going to throw a tantrum" he said

I watched as Davaughn walked outside looking around for a second before he shut the front door behind him



I use to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. Its not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.

I walked down the steps and to the fence i opened it and walked out, before i could process what happened some shots went off and i could feel a burning in my chest " shit! Thats not him you idiot" i heard someone say before they drove off

By then i was on the ground trying to crawl to the fence so i could at least sit up. I heard the front door as trell and kam came running out, trell had a blank look on his face which i guess kam realised what was happening and he sat down next to me starting to put pressure on the wound which only made it hurt more. I knew he was trying to help but id rather not be in this situation at all.

I kept coughing and every time i did it felt like more and more blood was falling from my lips. I was starting to not be able to breath but that was when I noticed Ken was calling 911. " i can't breath" i mumbled

Kam nodded " i know, but a ambulance is on the way and i need you to keep looking at me" he said

i put all my energy in trying to keep my eyes open, he kept saying that i needed to keep looking at him so i did. This was the longest i had ever spent without avoiding eye contact with him. Time felt like it was going slower then normal.

I felt myself try to smile " never thought you'd be the one worried about me" i said starting to cough again

I could see the concern in kams eyes, but I was knocked out of my trance when trell sat on the other side of me "the ambulance is almost here, do you want me to call mom" he asked

I sighed glancing down at my shirt that was now covered in blood, to much blood. " i don't think imma make it. Just tell her i love her" i said

Trell frowned " Davaughn" he said with a sad tone in his voice

I sighed shaking my head, i could see the look on his face. I had never seen it on him but I easily recanised it " its fine" i said

Trell shook his head " your gonna be okay.. But i didn't mean anything i said the pass few weeks I was just upset. I need you to understand that" he said

I stared up at him for a second feeling my eyes start to get heavier by the second " i feel tired, i love you big brother" i said


I ran out of ideas so this was my only plot option, and now i have a lot more ideas 😏💙

My homies brother || bwayyunginWhere stories live. Discover now