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{Kate's Point of View}

It has been 5 months since James texted me, we became very close over time. He came into my life through a group chat our friends made...

I was a Sophomore in college, I try to keep up to date with the friends I left behind in my old town. But when they invited him; I just knew he and I were meant to be.

We text for days and days on end and only know the feeling of wanting to know each other became more and more. James seemed to know what I need to hear and comfort me lost of all. Love is hard so I don't want to read rush it with him.


I was sitting as a lecturer when I feel my phone buzz, I flip it over to see James' name on my phone. I flip it back over trying to keep my concentration. I scribbled his name on my notes starting to zone out rather than listen to the professor talk.

I finally flip over my phone reading his text:
(the next parts will be done as messages)

James: Hey, how's class doing ya?
Me: ehhh professor lecturing and I want to die! :(
James: sounds like a blast, maybe after we lecture we can face time? :))))
James: Hah exciting okay text me after I have to run errands tea quicker!
ME: text you later :)

I turn my phone off and tried to pay attention to the lecture. I just felt my heart sink, when we aren't texting I feel like I'm waiting for nothing...

Is it possible for me to fall in love with him without never meeting him in person?? I feel like I run in circles and feeling the passion and hope, but would we ever meet to fall in love officially.

I rest my head on the table listening to him talk and talk. I started to slowly doze off in class...

Then about an hour later I was woken to my friend Izzy waking me up.

"Ahh" I mumble to myself waking up shooting up in my seat.

"Good morning sleepyhead," she said pressing a cold water bottle against the back of my neck. I breathe and smiled back up at her!

"Morning, " I said collecting the water bottles then putting my stuff in my backpack. "Did j really sleep through it all?"

She smiles and nods... Dang I tell myself, I check my phone before walking out

(30 minutes ago)

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