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{James Pov}
When I and Kate first started texting I was trying to move from my abusive mother's house. She helps encourage me to move out, now I'm living in a small one-bedroom apartment working at a job making minimum wage.

People think getting out of toxic family or relationships are hard. But when you personal are weak to a person and you feel like there is no hope, it is hard. Searching to find that one happiness and your abuser just takes that hope and crushes it... My mother drinks and I had to at a young age take care of myself it was hard. But she always held me back from moving on... I was 22 when I finally left her house.

Kate helped me, she listens for hours and hours on end hearing me talk about my mother. Her beating with words and physical... She helped me move on, and notice my self-worth. She was there more than anyone else.

She was my hope... Even if we are miles apart...


When I got hope to face time her she didn't answer... I got worried but I let it go I prepped to cook dinner and in the middle of prepping she called me.

I slide the green little button answering the call. "Hey!" I said rubbing my hands with a towel.

"Hewwo," she says sitting in a chair spinning.

I smile at her spinning, her long blonde hair was swiftly swishing over her shoulders over and over when she spines... "Whatcha doing?" I asked her leaning against the counter.

"Umm, nothing? I need to do homework that I have been putting off." she shrugs giggling.

"Fun fun, " I responded, "I'm just prepping for dinner, I was cutting some onions for an omelet," I say then panning the camera at the onions chopped up on a cutting board.

"Oooo breakfast for dinner?" she asked tilting her head.

"Yep exciting," I say laughing.

She laughs along then her face drops, "I have to go my mom is calling me, I'll call you right after!" I nodded the ended the phone call.

I always feel a little sad having to say goodbye to her, but it is always temporary I'll talk to her later... I sigh then finishing my cooking thinking of her making me smile even though the onions my eyes water.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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