Briar Rose: Bonus Short

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Hugh hooked his gloved thumb under the bristles of the paintbrush and flicked, sending a spatter of tiny white dots like stars across the deep violet walls. He leaned back, observing his work with a satisfied expression. He'd painted a great swath of orange and reds, trying to capture the evening sky he would admire while lounging on the roof of the small house.

"You know, I could have just done all of this with magic," Gustave sighed from behind him.

When Hugh glanced back, he saw the statuesque fairy, frowning and leaning against the doorframe. His spiralling horns just barely brushed the top of the doorway but, as it was his house, it was tall enough for him and all of his weird bodily additions and accoutrements. All of which Hugh was quite fond of, as he was fond of looking at him for a long moment. He appreciated the soft sweater Gustave wore, the comfortable, trim slacks, all accentuating his slender build and not making him look like some weird evil sorcerer or bog witch.

"Nah," Hugh replied, turning back to his wall and flicking some more stars into existence. "Something nice about doing this with your own hands."

The fairy hummed and Hugh picked up on the thread of uncertainty that wasn't his own. A whisper of thought he probably doesn't feel comfortable with my magic that was also not his own and Hugh stilled, gazing at an unadorned piece of wall.

He turned and beckoned to Gustave. "Come on. You make some stars, too."

Gustave's painted lips dropped open in surprise and then he stammered as Hugh whisked over to him, snatching up one hand and drawing him into the room. Gustave's splutters went ignored, but a sweet swell of emotion rushed through Hugh's head, making him feel light-headed before he stopped. He could feel the fingers fiddling within his own, shyly.

"Here." He pushed the paintbrush into Gustave's hands, paused. "Oh, here's my gloves."

"They won't fit me, Hugh." Gustave quickly stopped him, casting a pointed glance down at his very long nails. Hugh paused, shrugged, and watched Gustave magic a pair into existence, already neatly covering up his hands. He didn't just go ahead, though, he hesitated visibly while scanning the wall. "... I won't ruin it?"

"No." Hugh lingered close at his side and, after a moment, reached up to gently brush his palm between Gustave's shoulders. "You'll make it extra special."

Gustave's pale face flushed bright red and his twitching fingers sent paint spraying up on the wall. Hugh watched in amusement, thinking 'ah, a constellation by an embarrassed lover', while giving Gustave's back a few more gentle strokes.

Gustave scrutised the wall closely, frowning and cocking his head to one side. "Well," he said at last, "I suppose it's all right. Mixed with what you've done, I honestly can't find mine."

Hugh laughed loudly and swatted Gustave's backside (much to his yelping chagrin). "Jeez, I can tell!"

A tail lashed around violently, Gustave's chin tucked back like a turtle so that his face was completely covered by his long bangs. "Then you have sharper eyes than me," he grumbled, dropping the paintbrush on the papers Hugh had spread across the floor.

Still snickering, he removed his gloves, turning away to quickly clean up. If he stared for too long, he'd be tempted to add more things to the wall and, well... he really did like it as it was. Having Gustave give it its finishing touch was embarrassingly pleasing to him. All of those uncertain thoughts and feelings of Gustave's had vanished and Hugh felt satisfied with himself as he put the trash away and left it for later.

When he returned, he paused to look at Gustave, lingering in the doorway. He was gazing at the wall, his back to the door, his fingers interlaced at the small of his back. His tail was softly swishing back and forth across the floor.

"You like it," Hugh surmised.

"I— Yes." Gustave cleared his throat quietly. "You made it. It is only natural."

"We made it," Hugh corrected, strolling up behind him. Gustave was so, so tall that Hugh barely reached his shoulders, but... He slid his arms around his waist, pressing into his back and nuzzling in-between his shoulders. Gustave's body jumped within his arms before both of his hands covered Hugh's, almost tentative.

"But you—"

"Shhh." Hugh squeezed him firmly. "No arguing. At times like these, you just agree with me. Okay?"

"... Well, fine."

He leaned back slightly against Hugh, interlacing their fingers tenderly.

Hugh closed his eyes, content to just cuddle while standing, soaking up the warmth of another person. He could sense an expectation in the air, had the feeling Gustave was thinking about saying something, but when he rose up on his tip-toes to nose into his soft, dark hair, he was sure he had his fairy distracted. A tail coiled slow but sure around his leg and he felt Gustave's chest expand with a big, trembling breath.

"Hugh," he said, softly.

"Bed cuddles instead?" Hugh teased.

"Honestly." Gustave clicked his tongue and, before Hugh knew it, he'd been swept up into Gustave's arms. He blinked, stared at his smug face, and then hooted with laughter.

He threw both arms around Gustave's neck, swooned dramatically, and exclaimed through chuckles, "Take me to bed, oh gallant, manly lover of mine! Your arms are so strong and capable! Be still my heart!"

"You're awful."

But, at least Gustave didn't unceremoniously chuck him onto the bed like he deserved.

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