Three Little Pigs: Bonus Short II

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A/N: this is more of a sequel to the main story than a 'short' but i hope you enjoy more of these forest boys


When he thought Meriwether was asleep, Nova would sometimes creep off into the deep, dark forest.

He'd yet to realise (and Meriwether hadn't informed him) that the boar was a light sleeper. When there was no other familiar form cuddled up against him, he woke up immediately, staring after a back that retreated into the impenetrable dark.

The first time it had happened, Meriwether had been worried. Why would Nova creep off in the night?

But he'd soon been soothed.

For that night, like tonight, a gentle howl rose up from far away. Nova intended not to wake him, Meriwether was certain, but he found he couldn't sleep without his partner any longer.

He would lay there, gazing up at the stars through gaps in tree branches, and listen to Nova singing for his lost pack to come home, come home, I'm here.

It would be good, he thought as he closed his eyes, if someday they would.


They'd developed a sort of schedule or maybe just a habit of Meriwether's. Nova and he would rise together, Meriwether would tease and prod at him to see if he could make him bathe with him today and, if it failed, they'd be off into the forest to hunt.

If it succeeded, though... it took a little while before they went hunting.

Today was a punctual day, and the bristly-haired boar that was Meriwether lead the way on light hooves, as familiar with the landscape of the forest as he was with his own body. He paused here and there to gouge fresh marks into tree trunks or kick at rocks until there was a satisfying streak, an identifying marker. Other boars weren't quite like him in the way he staked his claim, but Meriwether liked this stretch of forest and was determined to keep it belonging to one boar and one boar only.

"Meriwether," Nova called, sniffing at a tangle of tree roots. "There's some of your favourite truffles here."

"Ah, finally," he burst out, lashing his tail in excitement and beelining his way to Nova, head bobbing excitedly. "I've been keepin' an eye on 'em. Ooh, let's see..."

"You only get this stirred up over truffles," Nova murmured in disbelief, shaking his head as he took a few pawsteps back. Sitting, he watched Meriwether happily dig up the snacks for himself, his tail waving contentedly.

They'd become thoroughly used to each other and enjoyed even times like this together. They didn't need to speak, really, Meriwether was happy to enjoy his company, and Nova his.

Something snapped, a twig under the paw of some little forest creature. Nova's ears flicked upright, chin lifting.

Then, he smelled it at the moment that Meriwether did.

Meriwether stiffened, raising his head with a huff blown out through his snout, eyes narrowing. A predator's smell came downwind on a change of the breeze and he growled quietly.

Eyes glinted out of the brush and yet, to Meriwether's surprise, Nova hadn't sprung forward in a misguided attempt to protect Meriwether. It was an infuriating yet endearing tendency of his. But today... no. He'd frozen, his jaws slightly agape, his head lowered.

Meriwether turned to him, concerned, and that's when wolves streamed from the brush.

He found himself surrounded by silver-and-black pelts that looked startlingly familiar, two larger wolves and three juveniles—two about the same age as Nova, one younger. One of the larger wolves bounded over to Nova and Meriwether twitched, intending to intercept, but a snapping at his heels pulled him up short.

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