Chapter 7

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As the sun slowly began to rise, Blue and Giyuu walked along the dirt road as they searched for a waterfall. Blue held the flag close to her chest as continued to walk forward. For some reason, Giyuu had an unsettling feeling mixing in her stomach. He couldn't tell if it was from the fear of what they might find within the village or the fact that Blue knew the woman from the village.

The two girls must have known each other before Blue was turned into a demon. It seemed like they were close because of how they reacted to meeting one another. Giyuu didn't think that Blue was even capable of remembering someone from her past with her memory loss, but she proved him wrong.

Shortly later, they found themselves next to a small little creek with lily pads in the water and the shy's morning purple and orange color reflecting off the water and the small waterfall was there gently landing the water into the creek.

"She said go from here right, correct?" Blue asked out loud. "I believe so," Giyuu responds. Blue was about to head in that direction but she hults upon seeing something blowing in the wind. Giyuu follows Blue's gaze until his eyes whidden in disbelief.

On the other side of a hill, was a ripped-up flag flying on a flagpole as it moved in the gentle breeze. But it wasn't just an ordinary flag. It was black with a white crescent moon in the middle. Blue's breath hitched and she began sprinting toward the flag without a second thought. Giyuu follows her and meets her on top of the hill looking over the small open air surrounded by trees.

Blue latched onto Giyuu's arm in horror as she looked down upon the small burning black buildings and the destroyed houses. The ash and rubble caught in the wind flew around the area, causing a gray cloud to surround the area. Giyuu was speechless.

"A demon... did this?" Those were all the words he could manage to speak. Blue's struggles to keep on her feet as the pressure in her chest continues to grow. Blue let go of Giyuu's arm and walked toward the burned town. Fearing for her safety, Giyuu follows behind her.

Blue trembled in fear as she took in the sights of burnt buildings, destroyed homes, and the small pieces of rubble everywhere. It all looked so familiar to her, yet she couldn't figure out how.

'Once you see it, you will surely remember.'

Hinode's voice echoed over and over in Blue's head. It caused her head to throb in pain. Her stomach turned as the wind blew past the burning ashes of the home. It all felt so familiar. The trees, the buildings, the houses, everything. Yet, she didn't know how. It was frustrating.

"This place feels so familiar. Almost like I've been here before." Blue spoke softly. She stopped in her tracks and took a look around. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling of knowing this place somehow.

Something shiny on the ground caught Blue's attention. She looks down and sees something silver in the dirt. Blue walks towards it and kneels on the ground. She stares at what she believes is a silver stone. Brushing the dirt off the stone, her eyes widened upon seeing the crescent moon shape.

'I've seen this before.' Blue though. She looks in front of her and sees another stone. And then another one, and then another one. She spotted multiple stones leading down a dirt path within the trees. She let curiosity get the best of her as she stood up and followed the stones.

Giyuu follows closely behind Blue as she walks into the word, following the stones that she finds along the ground. Blue walks into a clearing where the stones come to a stop. She looks up and spots a decent size home. It was a traditional home with purple lanterns hanging from the platform, the house had colors of green and blue. It wasn't wasn't destroyed or burned like the others, but something about it gave off a sinister feeling.

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