How it all started.

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Hey this is my first story, sorry if its bad, hope you like it

Hi I'm kayla Peterson I'm 15 years old 16 in a few months, I

have auburn hair, hazel eyes, I'm 5ft5 and I'm I'm currently hiding from my moms boyfriend...... again, why? It's a long story so I'll start from the beginning.

"Dad can you please hurry up we're going to be late" a 13 year old me begs, "we're almost there Kayla" he says, BANG! My head hits the window hard, "OUCH!!!" I yelp, I feel my head, it's covered with blood. "dad?" I croak, "are you ok?", silence, I look over to se my dad passed out, blood rushing down his head to his face, I almost scream. I look around grab a rag and hold it over the cut on his head, I take his pulse..... Nothing I panic, I look around for his phone, grab it, dial 911, my head hurts so bad it's hard to stay awake, but I know his life may depend on this call, "911 what's your emergency?" the dispatcher asks, "me and my dad got hit by a car on the way to my softball game" I say " he's bleeding really bad and he's passed out" I say, "hold on we're tracking your location"

She says, "is there anyone else in the car?" she asks, "just me" I say, "are you hurt?" she asks, "me head and my leg hurts" I say," ok we'll be right there" she says, and with that I passed out,


I wake up to the beeping of machines, "ah I see your awake" I look up and see a middle aged woman standing next to me, "I'm doctor Roberts" she says," Hi" I say, "how are you feeling?" she asks, "okay" I reply, "you where hit by a drunk driver" she says, "you broke your leg and you have a concussion" she says, "do you have any questions?" she asks, IS MY DAD OKAY? I almost yell, she has a sad look on her face," I'm sorry" she says "he didn't make it" suddenly I feel dizzy, he didn't make it, didn't make it, NO! I scream he can't! I'm balling my eyes out now, I can't live without my dad!, he's my best friend, "no" I sob over and over again, "he can't be gone" "I'm sorry" she says and and hurries out of the room,

After they let me out of the hospital my mom wouldn't talk to me, she says it's "my fault" and I'm starting to believe her, I go to the kitchen open the fridge and see beer, "mom doesn't drink" I say to myself, "you don't know that" *slap* "ouch!" I yelp I look up and see my mom, and that's when it all started, she started drinking and doing drugs, she would abuse me and my brother and sisters, then she got a boyfriend, Ben, he would rape me and my 2 sisters(16 and 3 years old) and beat my brother, after a 3 months my sister ran away with my little sister, so it was just me and my brother, luke, 2 weeks after she ran away I found out I was pregnant, I told my mom and she punched me in the stomach, hard, and I had a miscarriage, this went on 2 more times, I was kicked, I got called names that I don't want to say, after the 3rd time, luke got tired of it all, I found him dead hanging from the tree in our back yard, a few months later I got pregnant again, this time my mom stabbed my in the stomach, in the hospital the said I was fine but I lost the baby and that I might still be able to have kids, I went home a week later, the rape went on again but this time he brought his friends, so here I am hiding in my closet, afraid to move, "HA!!!" "I got you now" he opened the closet door, grabbed me and threw me to the floor, " you know better than to run from me" he said, he yanked my pants off, unzipped his, and went in me, when he was done I said "that's it!" packed my things and ran away,

HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!! vote comment, give me suggestions thanks :)

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