Part 6

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He was handsome all the time, but now, he looked heavenly good. The longer part of his hair, no longer in a low ponytail, flew behind his back in the wind. He wore a long brown vest very similar to my own clothing, full of golden details that shone in the light oh the lanterns. Under the shirt he had a long loose black pants that matched the sash around his torso, a golden rope wrapped around it and keeping it together.
I noticed that unlike the golden details in my dress that looked like a flowery pattern the golden drawings in his vest looked a lot like dragon scales.
He smiled at me and I felt all my nervousness washing away. He was gorgeous, that gorgeous smiling man wanted to marry me. And for a second I forgot about the mate prince and how he acted towards me, I forgot how my father had acted yesterday. I forgot about how war might someday knock at our door. I even forgot this marriage was all for show.
For a second the only thing I could feel was happiness. And maybe I'll die because of the choice I made today but at least for now, that was the most hopeful I had ever felt, and hope made me happy.
Morax reached his hand to me and I noticed I had been staring for sometime, I blushed and started walking again, hearing the whispers behind my back.

- Oh wow, the empress stared for so long! They must really be in love!
- They are matching!!
- They look so good together!

I walked all the way down the garden and finally reached Morax, he held my hand in his and whispered to me.

- You look like a goddess in this dress.

I felt my smile growing larger to a point my muscles hurt.

- You look as good as a god too.

He smiled at me and we both kneeled in front of a white-haired woman I hadn't seem before.
The ceremony was surprisingly peaceful and I could see several of the townspeople crying as they cheered.
A part of me felt conflicted about lying to them but another part seemed to be flirting with the idea that maybe it wasn't all lies.
I had never felt like I feel right now before. I feel as if my heart is throbbing loudly in my chest and there is something that feels like hope screaming so high inside my ears I think I might faint, but whenever Morax caresses the back of my hand with his thumb everything inside, all the chaos turns into a peaceful bliss.

- And with that we welcome our new empress Lumine, may she and emperor Morax guide us into an era of peace and success!

The people around us cheered and Morax got up before helping me up. He took my hands close to his face and kissed the back of both of my hands, I blushed again and he smiled before turning to the people around us.

- You are all welcomed to feast with us tonight.

Was all he said before Xiangling and several other people dressed just like her came through the doors of the chambers around us, they carried several dishes, from seasoned meat to raw fish and handled out chopsticks and forks to whoever wanted.
I smiled as I watched everyone eating happily around us and Morax hugged me by my waist, pulling me closer to him.

- So, how do you like it?

He whispered against my ear which made me gasp, the heat of his breathing increasing as he chuckled against my hair, kissing it lightly.

- It is perfect. I never imagined this palace could look this good.
- Only the best for my wife.

I felt my face heating up as he called me his wife. He was right, of course, I was now his wife, but hearing him say it made me shiver slightly under my dress.

- Thank you.
- What for? - he looked at me puzzled, his golden eyes shining the same way the lanterns did.
- For being here.

I rested my head against his shoulder and he kissed my head again, lightly while he held me harder by his side.

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