Chapter 15

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(Time skip) Ahri pov

After I woke up I started why that happened at the QnA I was laying down thinking about it then remembered what we all said then I got up then went out my room and went to eve room knocked on it and waited for eve to open it she saw me and then asked me.

"What the purpose of you coming to my room for"she asked me leaning on the door then I told her.

"We need to gathers the girls and talk about what Y/N said yesterday"I told her then that sparked her interest and she then said.

"Alright let go gets the others first then we wait for Y/N let go get kaisa next"eve said then she left her room and we both went to kai room we knocked on her door she opened it to show she just woke up she saw us rubbed her eyes and she asked.

"Why are you both here"she asked as she stretched her arms and then I told her.

"We all are going to discuss what Y/N said during the interview and we are gathering everyone to talk about it" I told her she went out her room and then we went to kali room we knocked at her door she opened it immediately and we see inside a computer turned and then we see akali looking tired she sees us and then starts to freak out and she says.

"So what do you guys want"akali said while hiding behind the door and I just told her.

"We are here to discuss about Y/N and what he said and have you not been sleeping this entire time"I told her and then she slowly started to walk back while closing the door and waited 3 minutes till she came back and closed her door quickly and started to walk to Seraphine room we knocked on it and after Seraphine opened it we saw a bed full with Y/N plushies and she looked behind her ran towards her bed and put the plushies away and then went back and then went out her room and shut the door while looking at us and then she asked.

"So what you need"she asked then I told her.

"We are going to have a meeting to talk about what Y/N said yesterday and also how many plushies did you have on that bed"I told her then she didn't talk and just walked down to the couch in the living room and then we walked to the living room and we all sat down and then eve said.

"So if what he said is true it is possible he could be our manager for us and could be doing multiple jobs for us and could not look for anyone else"eve said then we all looked at each other then Seraphine said.

"If you think about it if he can he wouldn't let any one know to begin with"Seraphine said then we looked at each other then kaisa said.

"So what are we going to ask him to be our manager like we did when we asked him out and also asked him to be our bodyguard"she said then we all looked at each other and then akali said.

"So in many instincts he done all his job as a bodyguard and we trust him and he wouldn't betray us and he would seem like a good leader in our case"akali said then we all sat there consulting about Y/N and then we heard.

"So you guys are talking about it"someone said and we all look over to see Y/N standing there then after we all noticed he walked down to us and then he stood there looking at us then saying.

"So how long have you discussed about this"he asked then we look at the time and say.

"We have been at this for half an hour"I told him then he sighed then moved back and forth and said.

"I knew this would be coming soon and I know from earlier situations you guys are going to ask me to be your manager are you"he said while he looked at us and then we looked at each other than I just told him.

"You got the gist of that"I told him then he sighed again and then sat down and he just said.

"Is it hard enough to be a bodyguard now I have to be the manager of you girls can life get more harsh for me"he said then I scooted over to him and placed his head on my shoulder saying.

"It's not harsh you have us and we made a promise remember so don't of life being so bad"I told him and the rest of the girls came around him and then sat around him and comforting him and then after sitting around him for a couple minutes we all got up and told him.

"Well if you need any help from us we have your back but we will be in our rooms getting ready for school if you need us"I told him then turn around to head for my room to change and put make up on and when I came out I see Y/N wearing different clothes and he was on his phone laying down on the couch and I went over to him and sat next to him he looks at me and says.

"So when do I really start working as your manager as well"he told me then I just lay down over his head and kiss his lips and smiled and told him.

"If you can easily defend us while working as a manager trying to plan how things go I'm sure you will be fine in your case"I told him as laid down and looked at his face while he started to let me and I couldn't back my tail and he was starting to rub my ears and my tail was wagging fast and I just hugged him while he still petted an I just enjoyed laying next to him and heard across the room.

"Can you chill your self for a second you crazed fox"I look to the other side of the room to see eve crossing her arms and I laughed and moved closer to Y/N and eve walked closer to me and then just grabbed Y/N from me and placed him on her lap then and then I got jealous and then pouted and then just sat there and then the others came by and saw what eve was doing to Y/N and didn't question it as they just walk on by and I sit there pouting then eve said.

"Stop being a let down you fox you get mor of Y/N than me"eve said I look at her and just said.

"Well at least I don't take him from others"I told her she looked at me and Y/N looked at what happened and just said.

"Ahri if your going to keep this up how long till you realize you can lay on me and not care"he said to me then looked down and immediately fell on Y/N and started to nuzzle close to him and he started petting me again and my tails wagged more and then eve just pat his head while I laid there then akali said.

"How long till those tails wrap around him and they won't let go"Akali said I got up looked at her and laid back down on Y/N and everyone else just laughed while I laid there and then sitting down for a while we all got up and got ready to go to school we went towards the elevator and went down to the garage and then Seraphine pulled me and said.

"You think he'll be ok with dealing with everyone"she said I turn to her and told her.

"If we broke his character after what we asked him and what we he did for us he should be fine"as we continue to the car and get in and drive to school to see what happens today.

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