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Nick and I ran into the hospital , I felt so stupid , I left him at Stacy's knowing he looked really sick. We walked up to the front desk and the lady looked like she wasn't even doing here job
Amanda: Can you tell me where my son is
Lady: Look , stop yelling right , I don't even like this damn job , I'm only doing this job cause my baby daddy don't wanna pay his child support
Amanda: Okay that nice , now his name is Ayden Amaro

She rolled her eyes and starting typing on her computer.
Nick: Hurry Please
Lady: Hold your horses pretty boy .... He's in room 105

We ran down the hall and to the room. Before I could open the door , the doctor came out.
Cyn: Hey Amanda !
Amanda: Hey Cyn , can we see him ?
Cyn: Yeah go ahead , just know that if your friend didn't bring him in , he might not have made it

I thanked her then walked into the room.
Stacy: Omg Amanda , I'm So Sorry , I Didn't Know He Was Sick , I would have called .
Amanda: Its Okay , Thank You

I looked at my baby boy , all those wires connected to him , I'm just glad he's okay. Then the doctor came in and checked the machine
Nick: Is everything okay ?
Cyn: Yeah , his fevers going down , 101.3 Now , That's Great Progress  , he should be able to go home in the next day or 2
Nick : What are we supposed to do for 2 day
Amanda: Nick Baby Calm Down
Nick: No Manda , My Son Is In The Hospital
Cyn: There's nothing we can do , all we CAN do is wait till his fever comes down
Nick: And what if I doesn't
Cyn: Nick , its normal for babies to have fevers , I've seen babies have fevers higher than his , go down faster than 2 days , so just trust me okay

Then she walked out the room
Amanda: Just trust her okay , Liv and Fin are on the way too

Nick nodded.

Later On That Evening:
Olivia: So They Said He's Gonna Be Okay ?
Nick: Yeah , Thanks To Amanda's friend
Amanda: Hey Nick , can I talk to you in private ?

Olivia and Fin walked out the room.
Nick: What's Going On ?
Amanda: Nick .....Idon'tthinkweshouldbetogether
Nick: Wait Slow Don't I Can't Understand You
Amanda: Nick we've worked together for 3 years , our baby was a mistake , yet we never understood that. I think its best that you go back to your family. I'll be fine Nick , Maria still loves you so go be with her
Nick: Amanda please don't do this now , I hate when you start pushing me away , I'm hear for you and always will be. No matter what anyone says , Amanda Rollins is going to be my wife . I love you Amanda !
Amanda: I love you too Nick , now no more arguing over dumb stuff , let's just focus on you , me , Zara and Ayden.

Next thing I heard was a fast beeping noise coming from Ayden machine. Nurses and doctors running , in and one nurse said that me and Nick had to leave .

I started to panic because that wasnt good.
BEEP ! BEEP! BEEP! BEEPThen suddenly everything was quiet too quiet.

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