Drifting Apart

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I sit and think about the time me and Amanda have shared. She helped me get through my marriage , some how we ended up together even though we shouldn't of have. I love my daughter and son to pieces and I love her too. She is my love , but her old habits get in the way of that. But I've spent so much time , talking about myself , yet she never said a word to me about her life. With Maria I couldn't talk to her about my job , or my problems because she somehow flips it on her and it becomes about her. With Amanda I can actually talk to her she understands and feels how I feel , we have out disagreements but she still understands . I wonder what she's doing right now , I hope I didn't hurt her , but its for her own good. She needs to know that she has a family now and has to grow up. She has to realize the world does not revolve around her anymore. I need her here for our son , and be together as a family and I'm gonna tell her that right now. I got myself together , called Ayden's babysitter and asked her if she can watch Ayden. I told her to take Ayden out of the house for the night.  I needed to set up an extra special night for Amanda and I'm gonna propose to her again the right way. After Tara got here , she looked like she had gotten no sleep what so ever , I asked if she was okay but she said she was fine. I just brushed it off , and walked out the door. 10 minutes later , I arrived at the precinct. I saw Amanda at her desk , she looked like she was crying and I felt really bad. I walked over to her desk , she looked at me and I set the flowers on her desk. " Uh Oh What'd You Do Now" Fin asked. " I didn't do anything" I said. "Oh you didn't ? " Amanda asked. She sucked her teeth and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and spun her around , her eyes were glossy and she said. " YOU TOOK MY SON FROM ME" Amanda yelled. " It was for your own good" I told her. " YOU DONT GET TO TELL ME WHATS GOOD FOR ME" Amanda yelled. " Hey Nick ? Not here " Olivia told me. I grabbed Amanda's arm and pulled her into the cribs. " Amanda .... I came here to resolve things and smooth things over" I said. " Nick you can't just take my son one day , and then come back the next , I didn't work like that , I have feelings too Nick , do you know how if felt when you said those words to me , I felt stupid " Amanda said. " Amanda I love you with all my heart. I honestly do , and I'm sorry , but-" I said. " But what ,I think we .... We were never a good fit , every good time we have another problem resurfaces" Amanda said. " Amanda you can't say that I'd never let you go , I love you , you mean everything to me" I said. Amanda started to cry , I pulled her into a hug and we collapsed on the bed , and crying into each others shoulders , after 5 minutes we cleaned ourselfs up. " Amanda , can you move back in the house , I have to have you back home , where YOU belong " I asked her. She looked shocked , but relieved , then evenutally she said yes. Olivia told us we could have the rest of the day off. I sent Amanda to the spa for the evening , so that I could set up , Ayden is at Fins house for the night. I bought the finest wine , I put some rose petal from the door that led to the living , where there lies a picnic blanket and basket , with candles around us and another trail of rose petals that led from the living room , to the bedroom. Amanda called me and told me she was done after I finished lighting the last candle. I picked her up and put the blind-fold over her eyes. "Nick I can't see anything" Amanda said giggling. "That's the point peach" I said. "Well I hate it , and hurry up and get me through this door" Amanda said. I pushed open the door , while she took off her blind fold. She gasped in disbelief. He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around my waist. The way she smelled.... Like vanilla. She soft gentle skin made me want to melt in her arm. I started trailing kisses down her neck and walked her into the bedroom , removing every piece of clothing there was.  We didn't even get to the food and bath. And you know what happens next.

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