Chapter 3: Side Hits

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In Bar 11:00pm
NickwalksandseesAmandaandgoestositbyhere . Shedoesn'tsayanything

Nick walks in  and sees Amanda. He decides to go sit by her. She doesn't say anything.

"Hey." Nick said.

"Hi." She replied.

"Look, I'm sor-"

"You know what, Nick? Oh, Saint Nick, SAVE IT!" She was obviously drunk.

"Look, Amanda!? I'm just trying to be cool about this and all your doing is pushing my but"

"Then what are you gonna do, Nick? Huh? Hit me!" She shoved him in the shoulder.

"You need to cool down with those drinks, okay?" 

"What are you goona do? Try and CONTROL me, just like Maria? That's probably why she left you." She shoved him again, harder, and laughed.

NIck threw all her drinks off of the table. "What, Amanda? Are you really that jealous of Maria? What are you, obsessed with my ex-wife?" He yelled.

Amanda just kept on laughing. "Really, Nick? Really?''

He stormed out of the bar.

3:47 AM at the Rollins residence.

Amanda woke to a knock at the door. She looked at her clock, and it read 3:47 A.M.

"Ugh, who is this?" She threw off her covers and walked to the door.

"Hey Amanda." It was Nick. "Can I come in?" 

"Uh, Nick, I don't think that's a good idea. 

"Come one. Please, babe, I'm really sorry, I truly am."

Amanda opened the door for him. They walked to the couch and sat down in silence.

"Look, Amanda." Nick ended the silence. "I really want to start my life with you, but you know how our jobs are."

"I know, I do too."

'Well, prove it to me." He lead her off the couch, but she pulled back.

"I don't feel well." Amanda said.

"Come on, please?

"Okay, fine." She got up and walked to the bedroom.

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