Chapter 4

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Your brother's future as a hunter is uncertain. You had said. But have faith. He's managed to survive for this long without anyone's help.

Jinah laid on the bed, immobile. Faint moonlight shone through her window, illuminating deep shadows that ran throughout her room. The apartment felt different when her brother was there, and tonight it was as hollow as an empty shell.

Trust me. You'd said. Jinwoo trusted me enough to join the raids I gave him. You're going to have to trust me this time too.

I'll keep him safe.

I'll keep him safe...

It felt the same as before, back when her father had left for the gates and never returned. What was the difference? You had led her along back then, telling her to trust and believe, but it never made a difference, he had never come home.

It was as if she were paralyzed. As if she couldn't muster up the energy to even move. Jinwoo had stood there, in her mind, before being struck down in the dungeon like any other man.

And where would that leave her? Her family had already been torn apart. He was the only one she had left.

She sighed, nestling herself deeper into blankets.

She wished she could just... turn back time. Float away. Back to the period when the portals had never opened, when her family had still been whole.

Back when she felt safe.

"I can't wait any longer," she whispered into the dark. "Can't he just get home?"

But an idea came to her. A sliver of hope. If anything, there was one person she could turn to for help, someone from the Hunter's Association. But would they be mad? Jinah wondered as she dialed their number. It was awfully late, but...

"Jinah?" A hesitant voice finally responds on the other end. "Jinah, is that you?"

"Yes." She replies, a tremble in her voice. "My brother... I just need to know where he is."

"...Give me a minute." You sit up and clumsily reach for the tablet on your nightstand, squinting at the sudden onslaught of light. "...It says he just cleared a dungeon yesterday, about 9 hours ago."

"He's..." You stopped, stunned and silent. He's cleared 10 C-ranked dungeons in less than a day? How was this possible? Did another hunter help him?

Quickly glancing through the names of the other nine hunters, you are surprised to recognize none of them. In fact, they are all listed as D or E rank.

"He's what?"

"He's fine. So you shouldn't be too worried..." You paused, realization suddenly dawning on your face. "He's probably staying with someone overnight...did he get a girlfriend?"

"Tch, that's impossible..." Jinah mutters, making you smile. "Can you let him know I have a parent-teacher meeting today after class?"

"Today? When?"

"At five."

"I could try," you huff. "But he's recently been ignoring all my calls. Do you want me to come just in case he doesn't make it?"

"No. It's fine."

"Are you sure? I could drive you home."

"In that case, if it's not too much trouble..."

"It's not." You reassure her. A parent-teacher meeting would be a welcome break from your monotonous job at the Association. You might even be able to use it as an excuse to ditch work early.

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