Chapter 2

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"Looks like I made it in time." You hummed, pushing against the massive statue's foot with one hand. The cracks slowly spread throughout its body, before suddenly shattering into thousands of tiny, brittle fragments.

"T-that's the vice-chairman!"

"We're saved..."

The remaining hunters shouted with relief upon your arrival. Peering at them more closely, you feel an awful sensation slowly settle at the pit of your stomach.

Out of the original group of 17, there's only 6 survivors...

"Well, that was anticlimactic..." You sighed, glancing at the shards of stone that originally was the giant statue. "Let's go home."


You patiently watched as the hunters headed towards the exit, grimacing at the sight of fresh blood that dotted their bodies. Hopefully the Hunters Association would have healers waiting outside for them.

"Vice-chairman..." A familiar voice rung within your ears.

"Jinwoo? Are you injured?" You blinked at him, surprised he was still frozen behind you. "I can carry you if you'd like..."

"N-no, behind you!"

You turn towards the dungeon walls a short distance away, watching as a lone figure stepped out from the shadows.

A statue?

"I'm sorry." Bloodlust colored their voice as they slowly walked towards you. They pointed at Jinwoo. "I cannot allow that man to leave just yet."

"Ah..." You turn to see a stone angel. Six massive wings were molded upon his back, so lifelike they almost appeared real. Powerful magic emanated from him in waves, far beyond what a regular S-class hunter could handle.

"So who're you?" The statue asked. His smile could have split his face in half as he leered over you. "Are you perhaps, a hunter?"

You remain quiet, staring at him wordlessly.

"But it doesn't matter who you are." A smirk curled at the corner of his cruel lips. "Since you're going to die here."


You stick out your tongue in distaste, noticing how the stone statue's face twitched in annoyance. It amused you to see such a subtle reaction come from someone who was so scary just moments ago.

"Do you realize the forces I can bring to bear against you, Hunter?" The statues in the room that were previously motionless stood up, baring their weapons in a show of arms. "I am Architect, the creator of this dungeon!"

He growled softly, and his statues charged.


To you, time seemed to slow down. The stone sculptures that were swiftly dashing towards you slowed to a crawl.

You stood at the edge of their reach, watching, waiting for an opening. It didn't take long before you found a pattern in their movements.

Then, you stepped into their midst, calmly, as if walking through your own front door. You took a step, pausing as a sword sliced the air in front of you. You stepped sideways and forwards as an arrow pierced the space behind you.

Dancing through the lashing weapons of the statues, you took advantage of their closeness to dispatch the stone puppets with powerful blows. With each step you took, statues all around you shattered and disintegrated into brittle shards of stone.

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