murayama yoriko attends oya high school with her brother, murayama yoshiki as he can keep an eye on her. with a decent understanding of anything that has to do with SWORD, she focuses more on their school than anything else, which makes her older br...
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Murayama Yoriko is the youngest sister of Murayama Yoshiki, started to attend Oya High during her second year in high school. Because she was attacked at the school by people who wanted to get revenge on her brother and she needed to protect herself. Though it led her to be expelled from her former school because 'it negatively affected the school's reputation.'
Around this time is when she gains her nickname, Darling.
There were many different ones that people called her within Oya and within SWORD. The part-timers called her Sweetheart and the full-timers called her Koko. Sannoh, especially Cobra and Daruma, especially Hyuga would call her brat because she would poke fun as well as annoy the hell out of them because she finds it amusing. White Rascals just simply called her Mini because she is the younger, female version of her brother when fighting, especially after they watched her beat the shit out of him. Rude Boys simply called her by her given name, which she very much appreciates. It was Furuya and Seki that gave her the nickname Darling.
Because it just fit her so well and it just stuck.
To the point where only Todoroki and Rude Boys call her by her given name as everyone else calls her Darling.
Darling was never expected to be a good fighter. All the guys from Oya felt like they needed to protect her from the world, like the fights that have happened within SWORD.
That was until the day they saw the older Murayama steal her bag of lollipops and the joking fight between the siblings quickly change into a full out fight where it can be seen they were going full out against each other. With Darling winning and they thought it was a flake.
Then the next fight happened in front of SWORD during a brief meeting between the five gangs. Ending with Darling flipping her brother to the ground and breaking her brother's nose.
Which led her to be one of the few people that absolutely everyone would follow and listen to.
Though Murayama Yoshiki would never say that his sister is a better fighter than him. Though it did make him proud that his little sister can kick ass. Which meant she could fuck up a boyfriend, if Murayama ever allowed it, if needed.
Now to how she is at Oya now that you have a quick yet somewhat shitty background on Darling.
For awhile, the only three people she was around constantly was Todoroki, Shibaman and Tsuji outside of her brother, Furuya and Seki. Especially her and Todoroki, where at one point where if you found one of them you would see the otherTo the point where after her brother made the declaration that the full-time students would not be involved in SWORD activities and Todoroki voiced his displeasure, asking for fights- they thought Darling would take his side instantly but she didn't.
She said nothing and slowly pulled away, ignoring the situation.
Until she gets pulled in to a situation with the full-timers.