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Maya was sat on the couch with her identical twin daughters watching a barbie movie under a blanket. Maya and Carina's daughters were five years old and today they spent the whole day at home with Maya building forts, watching movies and eating cookies. It was now 5:30pm and the girls were waiting for Carina to come home from work.
"Mommy, what time is it?" Ellie whispered to Maya under the blanket. Maya checked her watch.

"It is 5:30, my love, why?" She whispered back to the small brunette who was cuddled in her side.

"When is mama coming home?" She whispered again while showing Maya her big blue eyes.

"She'll be home in about thirty minutes." Maya whispered before stroking her daughter's hair.  Maya then felt her other daughter wriggle on the other side of her body. "You okay, Rosie?" She whispered to the other small girl.

"Yep, I just want mama to come home." The little girl replied.

"I know, baby. Thirty minutes and she'll be back." Carina had been on call at the hospital the previous night and then worked all day, which meant the twins hadn't seen her all day and yesterday evening.

"Okay." Both of Maya's daughters rested their heads on her stomach so she stroked their wavy brown hair as the barbie movie came to an end.

Suddenly, the front door opened and in stepped a very tired Carina with a bag over her shoulder.

"Mama!" The two girls yelled as they threw the blanket off the bodies and ran to the door to greet their mother. Carina threw her bag down and kicked off her shoes before two small girls wrapped their arms around her legs.

"Hello, my bambinas," Carina greeted as she picked up the twins and held one in each arm. They wrapped their arms around her neck and rested their heads on each of her shoulders. Maya then made her way to her wife in the hallway, Maya placed a delicate kiss to Carina's lips and went to take one of the twins from her arms.

"No, mommy. Let us stay with Mama." Rosie whined as Maya tried to pry her away from her mother's arms.

"Let mama sit down, she's tired." Maya replied softly.

"They're okay," Carina said as she made her way to the living room and sat on the couch with the twins still in her arms. Maya sat on the couch next to Carina and twirled her hair between her fingers. "How was your day, my love?" Carina asked while looking softly at Maya.

"Perfect. We ate cookies, watched movies and built blanket forts." Maya said with a quiet giggle.
"Wow that sounds amazing. Did you have a good day, girls?" Carina asked the twins who were still attached to her.

"Mhm, we had the cookies with the pink sprinkles!" Ellie told her mom as she brought her head up to make eye contact with Carina.

"Wow, those ones are your favourite." Carina smiled as she glanced at Maya lovingly.

"Did you help ladies have babies today?" Rosie asked, lifting her head off Carina's chest.

"I did. One lady had twins, just like you. Another lady had a little boy and two other ladies had little girls." Carina replied joyfully.

"That's so cool." Rosie said and then rested her head back on Carina's chest. Carina then leant her body to the right so she was resting against Maya's shoulder with the twins on top of her.
"I'm so tired." Carina whispered to Maya. Maya then stroked her hand over her wife's forehead and over her hair.

"I know, my love. I would say go get into bed but I don't know if the girls will let you move." Maya laughed quietly before standing up. She propped one of the small couch cushions against the arm and gestured to Carina to lie against it. "Rosie, Ellie, stand up a minute so Mama can lay down." The girls stood up and watched Carina lie down before laying on top of her again. Maya picked up the blanket from earlier off the floor and draped it over the three of them and watched all of their eyes close. Maya then wandered off into the kitchen to sit at the table and catch up on some paperwork before going into work tomorrow.

Thirty minutes later, Maya decided to start making dinner for all of them. She walked back into the living room and found the twins lay with their eyes open.

"Hey, girls, I didn't know you were awake. Do you want to help me make dinner?" Maya whispered to her daughters to avoid waking up her wife.

"Yeah" the girls replied quietly. Maya then lifted them off Carina and carried them into the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, dinner was ready and the twins were sitting at the table ready to eat. Maya went into the living room and gently shook Carina to wake her from her peaceful slumber. "Baby, dinner's ready. The girls are sitting at the table." Carina's eyes fluttered open and she found Maya pressing soft kisses to her nose and forehead.

"Mmm, it smells good, my love." Carina said before kissing Maya's lips and stretching her arms above her head. Carina then stood up and made her way into the kitchen to join her daughters at the dinner table. "Did you help mommy make this?" Carina asked her daughters while looking at her bowl of delicious food.

"Yeah," the girls replied proudly.

"Well it looks delicious. Thank you mommy, thank you Rosie and thank you Ellie." Carina said sweetly looking at her little family.

Later in the evening, it was time to get the twins ready for bed. Carina lifted them out of the bath, smelling of strawberry shampoo, and wrapped them both in a fluffy pink towel before scooping them up and carrying them to their room where Maya was finding pyjamas for them. The small girls were giggling as Carina spun around with them in her arms and then lay them down on the bed for Maya to put on their pyjamas. Carina flopped down on the other single bed and waited for them to be ready. Eventually, Ellie came over and got in the bed Carina was in and rested her head on the pillow next to her mother's. Rosie and Maya were then in the same position in the other bed. This is what they did every night: Maya and Carina always got into bed with the girls and read them a story before they fell asleep, so this night was no different.

After the twins were asleep, Maya and Carina made their way back to the living room. Maya sat down on the couch and Carina snuggled up in her side and let out a long sigh.
"Are you alright, my love?" Maya asked concernedly.

"Yes, I'm just so tired. I haven't worked a shift that long since before I had the twins." Carina replied.

"I thought that was the case. But you get to stay home tomorrow." Maya said while running her hand up and down Carina's arm.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to reach the bar of pink sprinkle cookies and barbie movies." Carina laughed.

"What can I say?" Maya replied sarcastically.

After watching TV for a while, Maya and Carina went and got into their own bed and snuggled up together before falling asleep.

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