Forgive or forget?

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The next morning, Carina woke up on the couch to an empty kitchen and empty living room, she searched around for her phone so she could check the time: 6:45, the twins should be waking up soon so she decided to make them breakfast to hopefully redeem herself for yelling.

Ten minutes later, Rosie walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "Good morning Rosie-roo," Carina said with a kind grin.

"What are you making?" Rosie asked as she walked to Carina and raised her arms.

"Waffles," Carina replied as she lifted Rosie onto her hip, held her close and kissed her cheek. 

"Mmm, yummy," Rosie said sweetly, running her fingers through Carina's hair. Ellie then made an appearance into the kitchen while Carina was dancing around with Rosie in her arms.

"Miss Ellie-belle, good morning," Carina said joyfully to the tired girl stumbling in. Carina crouched down to Ellie's level with Rosie still in her arms and hugged her extra tightly. "I love you," she whispered into the small brunette's ear before lifting her onto her other hip. The three continued to dance around the kitchen waiting for the waffles to be ready.

When the timer went off, Carina seated her daughters at the table and brought each of them a waffle coated in chocolate sauce, "Can we have sprinkles?" Rosie asked with a guilty expression on her face.

"Just this once," Carina said as she turned around to get sprinkles. She handed the girls pink sprinkles which they poured onto their waffles. Carina then joined them at the table and waited for Maya to appear. At 7:45 Maya walked into the kitchen and found her daughters covered in chocolate sauce and sprinkles, she was already in a bit of a mood and could not deal with chocolate mess right now,

"What is going on here?" She tried to sound jokey but really she was getting mad at the chocolate mess splattered around her dining room.

"We had waffles!" Ellie yelled.

"And sprinkles!" Rosie added with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I can see," Maya shot Carina a glare even though the Italian had already started cleaning up. Carina took a washcloth to each of her daughters faces to wash away the chocolate from around their mouths and hands while Maya cleaned their plates. Once they were away from the twins Carina decided to try to talk to Maya.

"Can you please stop glaring at me?" Carina asked quietly.

"Well, you just made a chocolate mess in my dining room, I'm going to be mad," Maya shot back harshly but still in a hushed tone.

"Woah, I didn't make a chocolate mess, I don't know if you forgot that we have two five year olds." Carina turned around to check on her daughters, "girls, go play in the playroom and I'll come in a minute, okay?" The two girls jumped down from the table and ran into the playroom together. Maya was still passive aggressively wiping the kitchen counters.

"The counters are clean," Carina said through gritted teeth.

"I'm just making sure."

"Maya, it was just waffles, stop freaking out. We always have a fun breakfast on Saturday mornings."

"It doesn't usually create this much mess on my kitchen table."

"Our kitchen table, Maya," Carina felt tears begin to well up in her eyes at the thought of Maya beginning to cut her out.

"Yes, and our marriage, but that doesn't seem to mean anything to you!" Maya yelled as she finally started to look at Carina. When Carina made eye contact with Maya she noticed that her ocean blue eyes were glazed with tears.

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