Tip 2- Just go for it.... What ever IT is.

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Tip 2- Just got for it.


"Melly where did you put the tape. God"

"I can't find it! And I told you not to call me that Sky!" 

"Decorating Karl's locker was your idea! You aren't even helping!"

"It's not my fault I can't blow up balloons!" 

It was an argument between me,
And my best friend Sky. 

I sighed and reached into the pocket of my sweater for my phone, but my finger closed around something else

"I found the tape" I said handing it to Sky. 

She glared at me, before taking it and taping down and streamer. I suppressed a giggle and glanced down the hallway. 

"LILY, MANDY. ITS ABOUT TIME!" I yelled, seeing our other friends approaching.

Mandy had a basket of wrapped presents dangling from one arm. 

I guess I should explain, today was our friends Karl's sixteen birthday. We came to school early to sabotage his locker and prepare his gifts. We knew it would all make him happy and embarrassed at the same time. 

I was really excited, today was the day I was finally going to do it. Hug Karl. 

Oops, more explaining. I kind of... Really... Liked Karl.... A lot...... Like A LOT a lot. I had developed a crush on him at the beginning of the school year, then I stealthily got his number (that's another story) and we texted tons, but still didn't talk much at school (because I'm shy and awkward, and he's amazing. ugh) Then, one evening in early November, I told him I liked him. 

He didn't respond in the way I had hoped. He said that, I was great and he didn't see a reason NOT to like me, but for an unknown reason, he just didn't like me that way. I was a little bit heartbroken, but luckily he's relatively easy going and we were able to continue our friendship like normal. Then over Christmas break and exam break we hung out a few times and I got more comfortable around and not so shy. So when second term started, I started talking to him in class and though he still didn't totally like me, I had a sense I was on my way out of the friend zone. 

And today I was going to use his birthday as an excuse to hug him. 

And I was terrified. 

"Melly text Karl and ask if he's on his way" Sky said 

"No! That's creepy! And don't call me that!!" I exclaimed 

Sky did this annoying thing where she would add -y to the end of everyone's name to piss them off.

"I'll text him" Lily said pulling out her phone. 

"He says he's eating 'breakie' and he'll be here in ten minutes" she giggled a few seconds later 

"Breakie as in breakfast?" Mandy exclaimed. "Wowowowow what a dork" 

"My god he's adorable" I said, and Mandy made a disgusted face. 

Mandy and Karl had this communal fake hate friendship thing that had been going on since the third grade. It was weird. 

"HES GROSS. I still don't get why you like him Melissa." Mandy shook her head at me 

"I don't get how you DONT like him" retorted. 

Ok. Karl was kind of..... perfect.... At least in my eyes. To start off, he was an absolute genius at math and science, the two subjects I live for. We liked so many of the same things, he was great to talk to about almost anything, and he was funny. He had this deep, incredibly sexy, voice that I would never grow tired of hearing. And to top it off, was absolutely gorgeous -with a chiseled jaw and blueish eyes- despite his weird hairstyle (but I still thought it was cute). 

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