Tip 3- Be average... Like my life.

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Tip 3- Be average... Like my life. 




"One two three couch!" 

We all cheered as my fellow team mates matched up perfectly. It was lunch so I was back stage with Brandy and the Improv team prepping for the Lunch time show. Today was elimination day, so I stood with the boys I was prepping with. Melly was off with her team so I gathered them around. It was clear that our coach had stacked the teams, but in my favor. I looked at my team. Lance and Danny. 


"Where's Anderson?" 

A pair of cold hand wrapped around my eyes and I gasped loudly. 

"HERE!" He yelled. I turned to face him. This was Anderson. My brothers close friend. He was in Brandy's grade, and was a few inches taller then me. He had light brown hair that resembled my brothers. Today he had on a baby blue sweater and jenes. 

"You missed warm up!" Danny said, mock hitting him. 

"That's ok we still have time to pray!" I said grabbing Andy and Lances hands as we stood in a circle, heads bowed. 

"Annnnnnnd....." Anderson began, "BREAK!" We yelled in unison. 

"Show time guys!" Jackson yelled, his headset knocking his glasses off place slightly. Jack was our team manager and director. 

Today's show was something special. We had the team divided into four sections, and each mini team would be competing for a spot in the finals. A rough head to head competition. 

I stepped out of back stage, and down into the audience as our team song started to play. The crowd was jammed full of all grades. 

"Great..." Danny whispered as we took out front row seats,my hand still still clutching Andy's. 

"Oh sorry." I whispered, letting go of his hand. 
"It's alright..." He laughed.

Anderson and I had known each other for a long time, my brother had known him since the fith grade. I used to hate him, but then when he and Brandy went off to high school, I started to miss him, and I welcomed his company in our house. I loved being close with him, Jackson and Brandy. They were my best friends, aside from the girls of corse. 

We waited and watched every one else's performances. Soon we were up and quite frankly, we killed it. We only lost by a few votes, but as Danny gently put it, "THAT WAS A RIGGED SHOW DAMN IT!" True, I was disappointed but we all did great so it ended up alright in the end. Before I knew it, I was standing with the senior improvisers talking about tonights rehearsal. 

Oh yes, ontop of this improv team, I was in two shows. One sad, one happy. An assortment of drama kids were in them as well. I got to the point where I was so busy in the drama room, I would just show up after school no matter what, expecting to have some sort of rehearsal. 

Tonight's though, was the sad one.

I gurudgingly went through the motions of the day, until at last I wound up back in the drama room. Tonight was a full cast so I sat down and waiting for everyone else to get there. 

"Skyler!" I heard from behind the currents. 

"Yes?" I answered, nose still in my unmemorized scrip. 
A moment passed. 
"Yes?" I repeated standing up. Still no answer. So I walked back stage and rammed into someone. 

"Ow..." I moaned from the ground. 

"Skyler... I was trying to surprise you!" 

I looked at the boy laying on the ground. 

"Jackson what the hell..." I giggled and rolled over to him. He had two bags of subway sandwiches laying at his side. 

"Every one went to subway. I couldn't find you so I just brought some back." He sat up legs spread out infront of him and handed me my sandwich. 

"Thanks..." I said and together we huddled back stage under the rack of props and ate our dinner. We have each others sandwich orders memorized, because too often we were stuck behind at school for supper. 

After we ate, and rehearsal had ended, Jackson and I hoped into Brady's car and we all went home. Honestly, it was uneventful, that is until we walked inside. 

"Mom?" I yelled and Branddy shut the door. 
No reply. Of corse. 
She must still be at work. A note in the counter told us Zach was with grandpa for the night.

"Cake?" I asked my brother. 
"Cake." He said. We had a tradition of going out to get store bought cakes nights before P.D Days (aka Fridays off)

"Shit my life it's too late!" He yelled from the living room. 

Frustrated I opened the cabinet, hoping to find some crackers or something, but to my surprise I found a boxed cake mix inside.  

I took it out and read the instructions. 2 cups of oil, 4 cups of milk and 3 eggs. Not to Hard. I went to the fridge and- to quote Brandy- yelled, "Shit my life! We have no eggs!" 

Brandy got out the rest of the stuff and we brainstormed a way around the evident speed bump. 

"I got it!" He yelled and skipped out of the house in his sweatshirt and PJ Pants. 

There he goes... Having ideas and all. I mixed what I could of the cake and went down stairs to get into my sweats. I pulled my hair up and put on a tank top. My hands ran along the wooden railing as I climbed the stairs into the kitchen. 

There, sitting at my kitchen table was Jackson, plaid PJ pants and all. 

"What are you doing in my kitchen at 10 o'clock at night?" I asked, noticing the box of eggs on the counter, and the cake now in the oven.

"Well I just missed you so much that I thought I'd come watch you sleep." 

"Not the first time hmm?" 

"S. T. O. P." Brandy spelled," You're my best friend. You're my little sister. Not allowed." 

"We're just friends.." I said licking out the cake batter bowl. 

"And we ARE in the same grade," Jackson came to lick the whisk on the counter, "so it's not illegal or anything." 

"You two would make nice baby's..." Brandy teased. I sighed and put down my bowl as Jackson put his arm around my waist. 

"You're damn right we would!" Jack exclaimed, "let's go and get on that right away sky!" 
He scooped me into the living room and onto the couch, to sit on me. Try as I might, I couldn't squirm out from under his butt, so I lay there giggling like a mad man under the weight of his body. Brandy stayed in the kitchen making gagging noises so Jack and I Cryed, "OH OH YEA YEA OH!" Between our laughter. My rib cage started to hurt and I could feel a whole six pack forming. Jackson stepped off me and curled up behind me on the couch. He tucked me head between his chin and his chest and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 

"Y'all bitches better not be getting 16 and pregnant up in here!" Brandy yelled. 

We turned on the TV and watched Shark tank re-runs, and when the cake was done, we got Brandy to feed it to us, and he covered us in a blanket. I fell asleep with him on the couch, no longer cuddling but instead smushed up awkwardly. Brandy fell asleep on the floor, wrapped in 60000 blankets. 

Average end to an average day.

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