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It was a normal day. Nothing different in this cabin. All you hear is peace and nature. It calms me down after a hard day at work. I love living inside the middle on the forest on top of a pond. The constant fear of falling isn't present to me as it was a while ago.
I felt more relaxed today, odd, I felt like I could sleep without worry. I guess I shouldn't worry about it.
"Hello?" A voice called knocking on my door.
I opened the door slowly. There was a lady standing with a basket in her hands. Her hair was purple, her eyes were blue, and her stance was odd.
"Yes ma'am." I replied.
She corrected her pose and looked at me.
"I was wondering if we could possibly share a meal." The woman said politely.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.
She smiled with a slight chuckle. Her legs shifted awkwardly tilting her body. "My name isn't of importance, I would like to share a meal is all." The woman replied.
I scanned her body of any weapons. Luckily it seems as though she is just a normal girl who finds interest in my house. There is no way in hell she would be interested in a man like me.
"Fine. As long as you don't kill me. Then sure." I replied hesitantly.
I allowed a female to enter my house after refusing to give me her name. I guess I'm a retard for doing so. I really hope this doesn't end up being some stalker love bullshit.
She sat down at my dining room table after taking her shoes off. I took her shoes and placed them near my furnace to dry off.
I walked into the dining room sitting down across from her.
"So I brought over some rice and beans already warmed up. There's also some bread with cheese and ham with some salami. The last thing I brought with me is some soda for us to drink." She pleasantly listed her items.
"I have cups. I'll go get them." I said.
I stood up from the table and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two clean cups.
Who is this girl? She's acting like she knows me. Maybe I do know her, but from where?
I entered the dining room and sat down a second time. It seems as though she set everything up already. That's some slight of hand she has.
"Here you go!" She pleasantly said handing me a plate of food.
"Thank you." I said confused "Why are you doing this?"
She looked at me puzzled by the question. She then reached into her basket.
Moments after reaching into her basket she brought out a large knife.
"Well I was going to ask you something." She said aiming the knife at me.
I nodded egging her to continue.
"I was wondering is I could live here with you. It is so peaceful and I was kicked out of my parents house just yesterday." She continued.
Yesterday? What are her intentions? I'm confused by the barebones logic between this all. I'm so confused that I'm sure someone who has amnesia would have figured out their life already. Honestly it wouldn't make sense to that person anyway.
I scratched my head, "Why here though?"
She took a moment to understand the question, "I guess it's the weather."
Weather? Come on now, it is pretty rough out here.
"Interesting." I replied.
I wonder more or less why she was dressed fancy-like, it was like she was heading to a business meeting despite being kicked out of her house. Not only that but the food seems like a way to get me drugged up.
She smiled, "Now I have an offer that no one can refuse."

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