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I awoke still on the counter of the store. The windows broken and debris covering the exits. I was stuck inside of a store with near no way out. The light of the sun beamed through the cracks of the road and other buildings.
I got off of the counter and sat down in a chair. I scanned around me looking for something to use. The only things here were glass, wood and dead bodies.
"Help! Someone help any--" the voice was cut out by a deafening explosion.
I chuckled in disbelief, "So this was inevitable and there was no way to help myself. Why was I stubborn? Just because it happened doesn't mean that it can't be changed."
"Yes it does." A man said. He was pierced by a wooden beam and stuck waiting to die.
His blood was dark red, kinda like the beam in the air. It spilled down the stone steps to the hardwood floor. The rustling of his organs sloppily moved in a wet and slimy fashion.
"I am going to die you see? And no matter what, nothing could have told me that this was to happen and change my fate. You seem to have known about man." The elderly man explained. "Although I would have loved to be alive...I am not able to be..."
"No offense and respect where it is due...but you're already old. You've lived a life haven't you? So technically you were alive." I said.
His breath was sharp, "Yeah...true. Hey...can you a favor? Stab me...with something."
I got up from the chair and picked up a sharp glass. I inched closer to him wielding the sharp object. He let out one last breath before his heart let out.
Quickly I dropped the glass and moved around the beam. The back room was filled with beers and boxes.

After a moment of climbing over the boxes and shifting my way through the glass I came across another room. This one wasn't so filled as the last. There were markings behind the shelf that connected to one another.
"The...motioning through...he...end...all." I read. "Huh?"
I moved the shelf and exposed the whole sentence. It was longer than expected.
"The end is motioning through the city. The man and woman caused it, he tried to stop her. She wanted to end it all." I finished the sentence to a conclusion.
Wait a minute. How did they know? Who wrote this and why was this known?
Another sentence was revealed behind a dust cloud.
"Thomas and another came by today, they will be the gods of a new realm." I read aloud.
The building began to rumble and move.
I need to get out of here before this thing crashes.
I left the room and saw a light, it was larger this time. The building must have made a larger hole.
It shook again moving a larger distance this time.
The hole closed up leaving me in a dark room. I turned to the door where the man was killed. I went back to the counter and stood on top.
Shit! I need to get closer.
I grabbed a chair and moved it atop the counter. Standing on the chair on the counter the building shifted again. I climbed to the second floor and moved slowly around the hole. I made it to a window where I could see the hundreds of deceased. The retro future was over. This was the end of the world. Craters the size of football fields were made. Men, women and children were killed by Chelsea.
"I swear...when I see her again, I will kill her." I said.
Rustling came from behind me. A heavily injured woman appeared. "So you know who did this?" She asked.
I nodded with shame.
"Please...avenge the world she has killed." She dropped dead on the floor. She looked like she was in her early thirties. Her life seemed fine by the way she was dressed.
The sky was dirtied with dust. The clear beautiful blue sky that I loved was now covered in deep gray dust mixed with embers.
Blood painting the streets. Bones and flesh scattered across building and dirt. The only bodies that were together were the ones that died inside.
I jumped through the broken window down to the ground floor. The beam was still in the sky but there weren't any more bubbles.
I began my walk back to the shrine.

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