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"Honestly that is an offer anyone can refuse, but to you it seems like no one would." I said politely. "Who else have you told this proposition to?"
Her smile was ruined. Her face now didn't have that bright and shining feeling as it did before.
She folded her hands and placed them on the table, "Only you."
I smirked, "You just contradicted yourself. If you had not asked anyone, then how could it be irrefutable?"
She already planned this out it seems. Her face was as straight as the World Trade Center. Since it has been destroyed about four times now they decided to curve it a bit at the bottom. No one knows the reason but it just happened.
The rain patterned against the wood. The cool air smuggled into the house. We were smothered by the fresh water's temperature.
Chuckling slightly, I said, "So no answer huh? It seems like you've been a little too giddy."
Chills flowed through her body. The near-skintight dress of hers showed the goosebumps. Obviously she was not prepared for the harsh weathers of the forest.
She played with her blonde hair for a brief moment. "Well you got me...but hey you should consider the offer."
Without another word, she left the house and was on her way. Under her plate of food was as lip of paper. It was wrinkled and had a number written on it. An educated guess of her phone number.
I jumped up and locked the door. I couldn't have another incident. I went into my room and put on my turquoise jacket.
"This fucking rain." I said aloud.
Looking back at the paper I noticed something different. There was a name under the number, and it wasn't there before. That is unless I am starting to lose it before my 23rd birthday.
The rain didn't want to stop. It kept pattering on the decaying wood. The sense of fear brought me to stop the way I pictured my house. I thought it was perfect, for a good amount of time of course.
I walked slowly to the living room. The wooden floor was moist from the water below and cold from the temperature around. I hate how the rain is constantly finding ways to bug me.
I rubbed my chin, "Time of my life huh? That does seem a little odd. Still, I do not know her name or anything about her."
There was a knock on the door and suddenly I woke up in my bed staring at the ceiling.

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