S1E1: Move to Ponyvillie

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"Ughhh! Finally! All of the boxes are in!" The orange mare groaned as she placed down the heavy moving box near the door. "Thanks for helping me Dad, I really owe it to you"

"Flare, you don't owe me anything really. You're my daughter! Of course I would help you!" The stallion fixed his glasses then walked over to hug Flare. "I know this is a big change of scenery for you, but I got you a little something!"

The stallion pulled out a box from under his coat, it was a thin white box, wrapped in a shiny light yellow bow.

"Aw dad really? A house warming gift?"

"Just open it!" Her father placed the gift in her hooves.

Flare smiled softly and unwrapped the gift using the magic from her horn. When she looked in the box, there was a burnt orange bow, not the color burnt orange but an actual burned orange book.

"Even though your mother wasn't very keen with the idea, I thought since you were living in your own place now I thought it would be about time to give you the Pyrokinesis book you always wanted!"

Flare held the book to her chest with a big, beaming smile. "Thank you!!!" Her father laughed a little, then let out a soft sigh.

"Well, I think it's time for me to go." He starts to tear up. "My little sunshine is all grown up now."

"Awww dad don't cry!" Flare said as he gave him one last hug. "You know im going to have to visit Canterlot at some point!" Her father wiped his eyes under his glasses.

"I know, it's just so hard to believe!"

"How about you head home and get some rest." Flare told him as they walked to the door. The stallion nodded.

"See you soon Flare, and don't forget to write!"

"See you later dad!"

As the door closed behind the stallion, Flare turned around and looked at the open space that filled the whole castle.

"So this is my mother's old place?" She spoke to herself. "How did her and Spike live here by herself?"

Her attention turned to the pile of unpacked moving boxes near the front door. She sighed as she grabbed one of the boxes and ripped the tape off.

"I should've asked Dad to stay and help me place everything.... I'm not even sure where my bedroom is." She stared at the open box. "I don't even know where to put anything."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" A voice on the other side of the door asked.

"Oh! Coming!" Flare said as she galloped to the door.

"Guest already?" She thought to herself. "I haven't even been here for a minute!"

As soon as she opened the door, she was tackled by the pony on the other side. The two rolled back as the other pony laughed happily.

"WHO IN EQUESTRIA DO YOU THINK YOU-" Flare was furious untill she saw the pony.

"Flare! It's me!" The pony cheered. The pony was a skinny stallion with a smile as wide as a mile. His green eyes beamed with joy as he helped flare back on her whooves.

"Ch....CheeseCake?" Flare was in disbelief. "You've changed....like a lot a lot...I almost didn't recognize you....um, new mane cut?"

Cheese laughed. "Oh Flare you're still up tight as ever!" He looked proudly. "Yeah I know, last time you saw me I was a little filly. But trust me this is truly who I am!" He smirked. "And yes, I did get my mane cut!"

"How did you know I was here?" Flare asked him.

"Well." He started. "I saw the moving carriage come into town and usually a moving carriage means moving ponies. So, I followed the carriage untill it reached to the house. Then the carriage stopped at the old castle and I was like 'who would be moving into the castle?' But then you stepped out of the carriage and then I was like 'Oh my Sparkles it's Flare!' So then i rushed back to sugar cube corner and baked you exactly 3 cupcakes! And then I ran back here knocked on your door and BOOM! There you were! Oh! And here are the cupcakes!" Cheese handed Flare the plate of cupcakes, one yellow, one pink, and one orange.

"You know I only caught like a third of that but....thank you!" Flare took the plate from his hooves. "It's really great to see you again! It's been so long!" Flare looked at the boxes. "If I can find anything, would you like to stay for lunch?" Flare asked.

"Yes!" Cheese cheered.

Flare grabbed one of the boxes and started walking towards the direction she hoped was the kitchen as Cheese bounced beside her. Cheese and Flare talked as they walked and seemed to be rekindling a long lost friendship.


A/N: Yay first Episode! This one is kind of short but I wanted to get it out there anyway! Hopefully future episodes will be longer! Thank you for reading!!!

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