Worst.Trip. Of. My. Life.
2 people threw up, I had an annoying baby crying the whole time and the man next to me had eaten prawn cocktail crisps and had... Farting issues. As I hopped off the plane, I dragged my huge suitcase behind me. I peered around for a taxi that had my second name written on it .
When I had found the right guy , I chucked my luggage in the boot and showed him the address . His black suit was crisp dry and his shades balanced on his pointed noise. He stood arrogantly, looking me up and down. Me and this guy were gonna have some issues. If he was going to be like that.. Well let's just say, he wouldn't be so rude after his trip with me.He was actually okay on the drive. He didn't speak much though. The only words he spoke were "hello and goodbye" his little black taxi were so much different to the ones in Los Angeles. I got out of the car and paid the driver. Towering in front of me, stood a immense , modern looking building. I was dazzled. They don't have buildings like this back home. What am I talking about home. Home is gone. I have a new home now. I glanced at the pretty flower path as I walked up to the enterence. It looked more like a hotel to be honest. The automatic doors slid themselves open as soon as I stood on the sensor.
The room was black and white and it had a huge fish tank near the lift.
"Can I help you madam?" The lady at the desk asked politely. She wore a beautiful white dress with a gold necklace and some black tights. Her pumps glimmered also.
"Oh, yes please." I tried to sound as posh as her but it didn't work. "I'm here to claim my apartment, I seem to be sharing with a-"
"Christian Parker?" She said , smiling.
"Yes" I said , Whilst nodding.
"Oh so, you must be Tyra Fletcher!"
I nod again.
"Welcome madam!" She said , handing over a key with the number "138" engraved onto it.
"Thank you" I said , smiling back and making my way over to the lift. Once again, words took over my mind.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
"What if I don't like him?"
"What if he brings people home?"
I shook my head as I pressed Level 3.When the doors opened up, I walked out into a hallway, I figured that I must go left.
Ah! I had made it. The room stood right at the end of the hall. Sliding the key in, I automatically turned it left. I was still in the routine of my old home. I twisted it right and the door made no clicking sound. I was already hesitated. Pushing the door open, I stepped in. The room was clean and tidy and a huge window perched in the living space had the best view. I stumbled in, placing my suitcase next to the coat hanger. I could see someone's coat hung up and I remembered someone else was going to be with me. I couldn't help myself but gasp at the amazing room. I adventured into every room , all except the room next to the bathroom. I assumed that was "Christians" room. I gazed out the window, staring at people walking by and a huge , sandy beach just up the road. "Oh my god"
Love is just a word..
RomanceTyra, a 20 year old girl, who meets a boy, christian. But will they ever be left alone? When Lacey's about, their chances are pretty low.