Chapter 17

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Sebastian pulled up into a parking space and locked his car. Oh and he didn't forget his man bag, his black backpack dangling from his left shoulder only made him look more slick and fresh out the movies. His black hair, slicked back, sleek and slyly. He'd pushed his glasses on top of his head to rub them. " so, you've never been to London before?" He asked, his voice echoing through the car park.
"Nope, first time.. I've only ever been to Maya Festival,where we- "
"-Where we MET!" He butted in. " one of the best days of my life"
I nodded and we called the lift. It took a while. I looked at this lady- in her 30s , roughly, pushing a buggy with a tiny toddler sitting in it. Sebastian, being himself, flopped over the pushchair and made a funny face, " Hello little man"
The kid smiled, his eyes glimmered blue. "he is ADORBZ" he said to the mother.
I whispered to Sebastian -" your gay is showing"
"Ah, yes," he said to the woman" I mean , he is rather dashing"
"cute" I corrected him. The mother smiled at us as we all made out way into the lift.

When we finished our awkward elevator trip, with about 5900 people in it, we hopped out into a mall. Well, I call it a mall, but Sebastian keeps correcting me.
"I love this mall"
"shopping centre" he corrected me, guiding me into New Look.
"So , what look are you going for?"
"Uh Id like-"
"spanish? Is she spanish , OH OH, is there a theme? That would be so cute" his talking session went a bit like that.
"Well actually Id like-"
"OH MY GOD, you should wear a jumpsuit, wait have you met her before? That might be a bit too cliché. Hmm maybe"
He ignored me and carried on" what colour ASWELL, red, white, Black, wait no not black-"
"No No No, you'll look like you're going to a funeral , what about-"
He took a step back"hm, you got louder since the last time I saw you"
"4 years ago"
"Mhm" he nodded, whilst flicking through the hangers." Oh , this'd be cute on that heinie of yours"
"Well, I was thinking to wear a cocktail dress?" I spoke over his blabbering.
"A cocktail dress? I don't know sister, that might be a bit risky"
"That's why there is a thing called Dressing rooms" I said whilst pinching his ear lightly and dragging it over to the dress section.
"Ow ow ow ow"

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