Chapter 7

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It feels at though I've known christian forever. The fresh scent of pancakes drifted from the kitchen and into my nostrils. I came at sat on his cream sofa . He had a giant plasma screen opposite. He came over to me and slid the plate on my lap, smiling. His skinny little legs poking out of his shorts.
"Do you want me to give you a tour of the apartments later? All my friends are only the level below us, directly actually." His big eyes made me fade into hypnotisation.
"Yes , yes definately" I quickly replied, coming out of trance.
"I like you TY " he said , tucking into his pancakes.
I blushed again as a began to eat the luscious pancakes. A dollop of cream and a squirt of syrup had been added and to be quite honest they were the best pancakes Id ever had. I glanced at him, his soft hair flopped over his left eye , like an eyepatch. He pulled his black top off as he got up.
"I'm just gonna get.. Ready" he said with short pauses Inbetween. I nodded.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. I slip it out and unlock the lock screen. It's from my best friend - Sebastian . And Yep, before you ask. He is gay.
Hey y'know if U need a place 2 stay, ur welcome at mine, darling xxxxxxx
And I replied:
Thanks S, I've got a place x thanks for the offer tho. We Need 2 meet up xx
And he messaged back about 3 minutes later:
Ok Hun, we need to grab a Starbucks sometime, I'm so happy 4 u moving to England. Xxxxxx S

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