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Violet's POV

|two months later|

"The jury hereby sentences Leah and Robert Chaux to three years in prison for the kidnap of Violet Harmon. I also sentence Robert Chaux to an additional ten years for tax fraud and theft of Tate Langdon's money. You will pay 500,000 dollars to him by April 2018." The judge slams his gavel and dismisses himself.

Tate and I jump up and hug each other at the news and I even start to cry because my tormentors are finally being punished. Nan pulls me into a hug and we cry together. Over the past two months we've become very close; in fact, she moved in with me. "I can't believe they're going to be locked away. I've waited my whole life for this!" she exclaims. While we're all hugging I see Leah look back at us with a sympathetic face. She even mouths I'm sorry and let's a tear roll down her face. Tate and Nan are to busy socializing to notice but I think that's the point. I want to genuinely believe Leah but can't. In fact I'm sure she's trying to play a mind game with me but it won't work this time. I shrug it off because she'll be in prison, far away from Tate and I, for three years. Afterwards Tate, Nan, a few others, and I go to dinner for a celebration. Then, Tate takes me to his home that is a few minutes away from mine.

After he found out about Leah and her father's secrets, he quit his job at Leah's father's building. Instead he opened his own practice in New Orleans and even moved to the same street as me.

After our weekend together two months back, we went to the town hall that Tate thought he received the marriage license from. They confirmed that he was not legally married to Leah; that's when he began looking into their family history and found out about her fathers tax fraud, extreme debt, and stealing from Tate's 401k account.

Once we found enough evidence, Tate hired a lawyer. During the process he was extremely busy with selling the home Leah and he lived in, quitting his job, buying a new work building and home. He barely had time for himself- let alone me. Luckily, our love is stronger than arguments and stress.

However, our work isn't finished yet since Dr. Douchebag, aka my ex-therapist, can roam the streets and even still has his licenses. He probably has tried this with many girls but I assume I was the first one to stand up to him. He won't get away with this because Tate and I concocted a plan to obtain new evidence against him. Thankfully he doesn't know about my relationship, so Tate will discuss me with him as a therapist. He plans to secretly record their conversation for evidence and rile him up so we can prove he has a psychological disorder.

While I wait for Tate to come home I apply to universities. I feel that my duty in life is to help others what I've been through, specifically self-harm. Throughout the whole ordeal I haven't picked up a blade or burnt myself; after I left Leah's house I promised not to turn to pain. I've learned to deal with my problems head on rather than use physical pain as an escape.

So thinking about my interests and past experiences, I apply to local universities for a counseling major. While filling out my last application Tate runs in and picks me up. "We did it! I dropped the tape to Daniel (the lawyer) and he said that's enough to arrest him!" He grabs my shoulders and shakes me lightly, "Violet, he's going to prison!" He exclaims while hugging me. After a few moments he pulls away but still has his grip of my arms since I'm staring at him in shock, unsure of what to do. I begin to cry from being overwhelmed and also finally able to let go of the horrible few months. Then I have a terrifying thought- what if Tate doesn't like me now that he's 'fixed' me? Since he is a doctorate in the human brain, he must have noticed my concern because he immediately grabs my hand and gently squeezes. "Baby, it's okay. Come on, let's go to bed." I nod my head and wipe the remaining tears. Then, he picks me up. On the way up the stairs he kisses my nose and whispers sweet nothings. Once we enter the bedroom he removes my clothing, 'accidentally brushing over my middle, and changes me into a t-shirt and flannel pajama pants.

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