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"Hm? What's underneath that mask, I wonder." You purposely and audibly say aloud, your chin lowered and rested onto your the middle of your palm. You were gazing right at your seatmate, Sanzu Haruchiyo.

Sanzu could barely hear your constant and continous pestering since he seemed way too focused on class. 'Geez, I barely see this man here and we barely talk.' You thought, the same unwavering gaze you had continously residing onto Sanzu, who sat beside you.

"Hey, Sanzu. You alright?" You queried Sanzu, your face continously remaining onto the middle of your palm. "Hm, hello? Is Sanzu Haruchiyo in there?" You continue to deliberately bother Sanzu, lazily waving your other hand in front of him. "Sanzu?"

Upon finally hearing your constant calls, Sanzu shifted his gaze away from the black board and over towards your direction. "We're you calling for me?" He queried. "Ah. There he is, finally." You say, a slight rush of relief passing through you as you place your waving hand on top of your desk.

"Hey Sanzu, I've been calling for a while, you know." You deliberately say, taking a deep breath in before you sighed. "If you're so focused in class then wouldn't it be better if you went to school everyday? That way, you won't miss a lesson." You say, your gaze unwavering as you do so.

"(L/n) (Y/n), Sanzu Haruchiyo, face the board." The homeroom teacher directly started gruelling towards you. "(L/n) (Y/n), wouldn't it be best if you at least listened at class."

"Huh? Of course I'm listening sensei." You briskly say, shifting your gaze away from Sanzu to face the teacher who stood in front of you. "I even took notes." You slowly pulled out your notebook from under your desk and raised it enough for your teacher to see.

The homeroom teacher simply shrugged off every word you said and continued to discuss the lessons which were needed to know. 'Of course I'm listening. I always do.' You slightly frown as you bring your gaze back towards Sanzu.

"Anyway, sorry for causing you all this trouble, Sanzu." A strained laugh slightly leaves your lips as you give Sanzu a small genuine smile.

"I just wanted to have a conversation with you."

"Though everytime class is over you leave right away. So I barely get to know my new seatmate." You say, your gaze continuously remaining onto Sanzu. "So the only choice I had left is to talk to you during class."

"But I guess I it didn't work out ag-"



You instinctly shut your mouth close as you look onto Sanzu's nicely portrayed figure beside you.

Sanzu had shushed you quiet, his nicely delicate index finger placed onto his mouth that was covered by his mask. "Talk to you later." Sanzu said, his index finger then finding its way towards the black board in front you.

You thoroughly follow his hand, only to see your homeroom teacher looking at you with a dismayed expression. "Sorry, please do continue." You say, fixating your gaze steady onto the black board in front of you to listen.

'I wonder if I'll even be able to speak to my seatmate.' You then feel a drop of sweat stream down your cheeks just by the mere upsetting thought of it.


"Class dismissed." The homeroom teacher said, the entire class then headed off to rummage their stuff into their bags as they start to take their leave.

You on the other hand, did the same exact thing. You rummaged your stuff into your bag and zipped your bag close. "I'm hungry." You mutter underneath your shallow breath as you sling your bag onto your shoulder.

However, just before you could leave your seat;

"So what did you want to talk about?" Sanzu queried, his gaze steady and still onto you as he simply remained on his seat. "Eh?" You shift your gaze towards Sanzu who deliberately spoke to his seat mate, which was you.

"Wait. You were pretty serious when you said that?!" You turn your figure towards Sanzu, your slowly yet hurriedly footsteps finding it's way towards Sanzu's desk. "We're both on cleaning duty today so why shouldn't I?" Sanzu says, as he looks towards you.

"Oh right. We're in the same day on cleaning duty." You deliberately bring out a small smile, standing in front of Sanzu's desk. "Oh wait. Now that you mention it..I'm on cleaning duty today!" You feel your sweat earnestly drop down your cheek. "How could I even forget? Damn it. And there I thought I could head home now."

"But other than that, since we're both on cleaning duty, wouldn't that be nice? I get to talk to you properly now." You say, your hands quietly and gradually slamming onto Sanzu's desk. "Right?"

"You want to know more about me?" Sanzu queries, eyes slightly wavering from his sudden and unanticipated surprise. "Well, of course. Wouldn't it be no fun if you never knew much about your seatmate?" You say, your fingers audibly tapping onto Sanzu's desk.

(L/n), we're gonna go and throw the trash outside." The rest of the students on cleaning duty said as they started heading out the classroom, leaving only both you and Sanzu alone.

"We better start cleaning." You say, quickly removing your hands away form Sanzu's desk as you headed towards your desk. "Why don't we talk as we clean, don't you think so too Sanzu?"

"Hm? Yeah." Sanzu replied as he stood away from his seat.

"Let's get to know each other some more so that when we both need something, it'll be easier to come and rely on each other, right?"

You say, a lovely and genuine smile spreading across your lips knowing that starting from now on, stuff might get a little bit better than before.

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