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"Heeh...it's been a week since Sanzu didn't come back to school." You quietly mutter underneath your deeply shallow breath as you take a small look towards Sanzu's seemingly empty seat.

"I wonder if something happened to him." You heavily sighed, your constant muttering and speaking audible enough for the students and teacher in front of you to stare tremendously confused at you. 

"Ehh...erm...ahem...(L/n), face in front of the board." The teacher spoke a loud, tapping the board in front of all of you with a small thud. "Talking to air won't help you learn at class, (L/n)." He added.

"Talking to air! Nice one sensei! Haha!"

The students started laughing and bickering with humour, the merely silent classroom filling its room with their laughter and noise.

"T-talking to air? No I wasn't..." You sighed exhaling a deep lungful of air away from your chest. "Who cares, anyway?" You mumble under your breath, facing the board in front of you as you sat there, definitely tired.


"Wah! Class is finally over." You say, your voice slowly muffling in between your tired yawns and stretches. "(L/n), wanna hang out with us? We're gonna head to the park." A classmate of yours queried, standing in front of you as they awaited for your response. 

"Oh sorry, I've got something to do." You respond, zipping then slinging your back behind you as you start to take your leave. "Geez (L/n), you should come with us sometime." The group of classmates said.

"Too busy for that." You say as you shifted your head towards them. "Maybe next time." You added, smiling at them as you briefly take your leave after that. 


"Hm, what should I buy next?" You curiously question yourself, facing back and forth towards your tremendous amount of lists and towards the stores that surrounded you. "Maybe I should eat for now." You say, glancing towards the time on your phone. 

You bring yourself towards a nice place to have a small snack. However, on your way there, you abruptly run into someone. 

A tall, masculine and threatening figure stood right before you as you unanticipatedly ran into him. "S-sorry!" You swiftly say, waving both of your hands in front of him as you do so. 

"Hm?" The man in front of you questioningly hummed. His stiff and steady gaze shifting over towards you. "And you are?" He looked at you, a small frown running down towards his scary and frightening portrayed face.



"Oh, Sanzu, your back." The stiff and steady gaze swiftly turned towards the familiar strand of voice. "You know her?" The stranger curiously questioned.

"Oh yeah, my classmate." Sanzu deliberately said, casually taking something out of his bag with his delicately slender fingers. "Classmate?" You query, your face curling into an unpleasant look as you face towards Sanzu. 

"Hm?" Sanzu questioningly hummed, his endearing gaze finding its way towards you as he does so. 

"What do you mean classmate? You're supposed to say friends." You say, rebuking Sanzu as you deliberately point a finger onto your steadily portrayed face. "Huh, why should I?" Sanzu obliviously queried. 

"Huh?! What are you saying? You're obviously gonna have to say it because I said so!" You say, a self satisfied and smug smile curing down onto your sheepishly portrayed face.

"Right, Mister?" 

You glance towards the tall, masculine and threatening man whom you had ran into a while ago, your hands slightly shaking due to how intimidating he could be. "Right?" You say once more, your gaze unwavering as you continue to persuade the man.

"Uhh..." Was all the intimidating man could utter.

"Anyway! You're my friend. Don't forget that, 'kay?" You say, the small self satisfied and smug smile of yours swiftly replacing itself with a small yet genuine smile. 

"Oh right, Sanzu why aren't you going to school?" You look towards Sanzu, observing him form head to toe. 'Delinquent uniforms, huh.' You simply thought to yourself as you face your gaze back towards Sanzu's endearing pair of eyes. "Skipping class?" You query.

"Eh...Sanzu, you've actually got a friend here." The threatening and intimidating man said as he brought his hands up towards you. "Nice to meet you. Call me Mucho." The intimidating man who you had recently bumped into was now known as Mucho smiled.

"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you too, (L/n) (Y/n)." You say, hesitantly shaking the man's hand as you terrifyingly smile back at him. "Oh. Could you be Sanzu's dad?" You query,  your left and right hand clasping itself together as you faced Sanzu. 

"D-dad?" Mucho said, a slight drop of sweat running down his cheeks. "Oh! No? S-sorry." You slightly laugh out of embarrassment as your hands found its way into a neatly kept way, keeping itself warm and hidden inside both of your pockets.

"Could you be his brother then?" You query once more. "Hm?" Mucho slightly glanced towards the bright blue sky that sneered across all three of you. "Yeah. Something like that." He added.

"Sanzu, why don't you hang out with your friend a lil' bit." Mucho said, his gaze shifting back towards the slender boy, Sanzu. "Huh? Bu--"

"Its fine. I can take it from here." 

"You rarely hang out with anyone else anyway." Mucho said as he turned his body back to start taking his leave. "It would be nice to see you having some fun with a friend." He added as he lazily waved his hand goodbye, taking his steps further and further away from Sanzu.

"Hm? What's wrong Sanzu?" 

"Scared because onii-chan isn't here?" 

You face Sanzu as he stood there, cleary wanting to tag along with Mucho. "What are you talking about." Sanzu said, clicking his tongue in somewhat disappointment.

"Eh...That's fine Sanzu!" You say, heavily patting Sanzu's back as you laugh. "After all, you'll be tagging along with me." You say, a self satisfied smile finding it's way onto your lips as you smile.

"I'll be your oneesan if you want to! Hehe."

"Don't want one."

"H-hey! Don't just say it like that."

"Go away."

"Heeh...Don't be so timid Sanzu!"


You simply laugh at the tremendous amount of delight and euphoria you continuously felt. It was as if; maybe one day...you'll experience something even more better than today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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