Its just a parking space

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(~ means what they are thinking or doing)

·Annie's POV·
Annie: Today was my first day and I cannot afford to be late. I was not in a good mood, one because my parents apparently left to go to Hawaii without me and two because they didn't even wake me up for school. Hopefully I could find a parking spot, I was pulling into the parking lot and my eyes landed on a perfect spot 'You got eyes LeBlanc' *smiles* I wonder why no one has taken this spot they were just passing it like nothing *slams on the brakes* What the hell is the matter with this jerk. The car was a red and black audi i8 so he was rich. Looks like everyone at this school was, either way *rolls down the window* Hey shit wad are you trying to get sued?!
Johnny: *rolls down his window* Shit wad? *smirks and gets out of the car and walks to her car* thats a new one.
Annie: ~Oh god he was hot! 'No Annie do not do this!' Focus~ You almost hit my car!
Johnny: Hey if I did maybe you can go get a new car! *smiles*
Annie: *glances back* ~The other guys in the car were just as good looking as this guy infront of me~ What do you mean?! Whats your damage?!
Johnny: Wouldn't you wanna know? *smirks*
Annie: ~He was taking this as a joke~ You could have killed me!
Johnny: But I didn't *smiles raising his eyebrow* I stopped before I could even touch your car. Plus I wouldn't waste my beautiful baby on your.. *looks at the car* If you insist its a car. *smirks* but I wouldn't mind ramming something else into you. *winks*
Annie: *blushes* J..Just move your car.. I was trying to park here.
Johnny: Oh so you were intentionally trying to park in this spot. See thats why I almost hit you love.
Annie: Huh?
Johnny: This is my spot.
Annie: *sits back and smiles* ~he's not serious is he? *looks back at the blonde* Oh my god he is a rich spoiled brat~ No move your car
Johnny: No honey you must be new.
Annie: You mean as new as the brain in your head?
Johnny: *stops smiling and narrows his eyes* Like I said you're new so I don't think you understand who you're messing with. This is our spot, move.
Annie: I don't care who you are I'm not moving. I was clearly here first ~I glanced back at his friends as they all watched with amusement. I heard a few gasps and I looked around and saw a group of people watching us~ Fine *holds up her hands* Fine you win ~as soon as the jerk stepped away I managed to park my Mercedes Benz s class. A victory smile planted itself on my lips and my eyes darted up to the rear view mirror. The car of jerks was gone and I made my way into the school. No surprise I was late to my first class which was chemistry. There was one free table left. I smiled and made my way over to it.~
Jayden: Hey mind if I sit here?
Annie: ~I looked up and saw a beautiful blonde she looked nice~ Sure go ahead *smiles* I don't own the desk.
Jayden: *laughs* I'm Jayden
Annie: I'm Annie! ~Like that we became friends quickly. I told her about my morning and a smile slipped onto her face~ what?
Jayden: You're the one who took Johnny's parking spot! *grins*
Annie: Johnny that's his name huh?
Jayden: Johnny Orlando *smiles* the bad boy boy of Collins Academy
Annie: Bad boy? Is that why he made such a big deal when I stole his parking spot?
Jayden: Annie everyone is talking about you! Before first period!
Annie: It is just a parking spot. If he came earlier he could have had it.
Jayden: Wow you really don't care!
Annie: Why would I? It's just a parking space.

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